It was the green satin dress that I had spotted at the store last week when I went shopping with Padma.

My forehead wrinkled in confusion.

Given that I have no other friends aside from Padma, who in the world would have spent 1,250 galleons on me?

I dug through the bag before I finally came across a small piece of parchment that read:

Merry Christmas Alora

- DM

My breath hitched in my throat. I gulped in an attempt to calm my palpitating heart.

My conversation with Draco last night had gone surprisingly well, but I didn't think it went well enough for him to buy me a gift for Christmas, let alone such a luxurious one.

A million thoughts infiltrated my mind as I struggled to piece together what his actions meant. I couldn't tell if this was his way of apologizing and trying to make amends, or if there was more meaning behind his actions.

Knowing Draco Malfoy, there is always more than meets the eye.


A knock on my front door startled me, causing me to nearly spill hot chocolate onto my lap.

Nighttime had fallen, and I was currently cuddled up on my couch underneath a fuzzy blanket watching a Muggle Christmas movie.

"Lottie, can you get the door?" I yelled.

When no response followed, I groaned, grumpily getting out of my comfortable position and placing my drink on the coffee table to answer the door.

Pulling down on the door handle, I opened the front door and stumbled back in surprise.


He shyly smiled back. His hands were in his coat pockets, and tiny snowflakes decorated his hair.

"Come in," I stepped to the side, allowing him to enter my manor, before closing the door and shutting out the frigid air.

I watched as he took off his winter coat, revealing a black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants underneath.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked him as he ran his fingers through his snow-covered hair.

"Thought you'd like some company."

"... Why?"

He adjusted the watch on his wrist, "You mentioned last night that your fiancé's been busy at work. I figured you were most likely alone right now."

I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes, "What makes you think I want your company? I was happily sipping on some hot chocolate and–"

"Yum, hot chocolate," he rubbed the palms of his hands together. "Where can I get some?"

And with that, he walked past me and began heading down the corridor.

"Malfoy, you can't just invite yourself into my home like this–" I fast walked after him and turned the corner into the living room to see that he had already taken a sip out of my cup of hot chocolate.

"Damn, this is some good stuff," he sighed, plopping down on my couch.

I bit the inside of my lip, impatiently tapping my toes against the hardwood floor as I watched him make himself comfortable.

"A Muggle movie?" he smirked, turning towards the Muggle television I had purchased. "I remember you used to love those."

"Still do," I exclaimed, walking over and taking a seat at the opposite end of the couch.

I watched as he gazed at the screen in bewilderment, fascinated by the strange device.

"For someone who hates Muggles, you seem to be enjoying it too," I slightly grinned.

He scoffed, "Do not." He took another sip of my hot chocolate before placing the mug back on the coffee table.

"Thanks for the dress by the way," I uttered, suddenly remembering the lavish gift he had bought me for Christmas.

"Figured you'd like it," he smiled, resting an arm on the back of the couch as he angled his body towards me. "Green really suits you, you know?"

I gazed into his mischievous eyes, ignoring his comment, "Why are you here, Malfoy?"

"I told you already. I thought you'd like the company," he blurted out, averting my stare.

"Is that really all?" I gave him a questioning look.

He bit the inside of his cheek before rolling his eyes, "Alright, fine. Astoria's been in a mood all day because she thought I was going to propose today."

"What gave her that impression?"

"Nothing," he scoffed. "She's just been desperate for a diamond ring ever since our one year anniversary. I couldn't take her nagging anymore. I had to get out of the house."

"So you decided to come to your ex's house?" I laughed.

Draco scratched the back of his neck as his cheeks turned a light pink, "I didn't know where else to go. If I had gone to my parents' place, they would've pestered me to propose because they can't wait to have grandchildren."

I giggled into my hand, causing Draco to laugh along as well. I angled towards him, bending one of my legs and resting it flat against the couch cushion.

My eyes suddenly took interest in the fireplace beneath the television, while Draco's eyes took interest in me. In my periphery, I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face. I tried to even out my breaths, but the more I told myself to calm down, the faster my heart raced.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach when I heard those words escape from his lips. He had blurted it out so abruptly that it took me a while to process what he had said.

I turned towards him, noticing how his eyes had turned a light shade of blue underneath the glow of the fireplace.

"I don't think I can hold these feelings back anymore," he continued.

I tried to brush it off with an awkward chuckle. "I'm sure your feelings only came back because we ran into each other after years of no contact."

"Came back? Please..." he scoffed, licking his lips as he locked eyes with me. "They never left."

He scooted closer, resting one of his hands on my ankle and gently rubbing his thumb back and forth. My back straightened as every muscle in my body tensed. I wordlessly watched as he softly glided his hand up my calf.

My hand clasped around his as it neared my inner thigh, "What are you doing?"

"I know you want this as much as I do," he breathed out.

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