Zardy x reader (may have smut if has energy)

154 3 0

K so uhhhh
Y/N pov
My legs frickin HURT! I've been running from this damn scarecrow for half an hour. I feel like giving up, but I know he'll probably kill me if I stopped running. Then again 2021 frick frackin sucks.  Alright, succumb to death, onni chan. I stop running. "Aight kill me scarecrow thing" I say, t posing to assert dominance (what the fuc-)  I look behind me, holy peanut butter and jelly sandwich he's like 9'6! (tall in all the right ways ;]) "Christ all mighty you are tall- well you dont really wanna loo-" I was cut off by him picking me up and placing me on his head, how the hell is this dudes dumb pumpkin head holding me up? A normal pumpkin would've broken by now. Anyway, I poke him, mor atleast attempt to, poke him in the eyes and fall to the dirty ground. I get up and start running as fast as I can (cliff hanger bc tired, might give you death by snu snu later)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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