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Jung Hyun woke up to the feeling of a warm body pressed on his bare chest. The morning light has already lit up the room, but he had no plans of getting out of the bed just yet. He gently nuzzled the back of Hae Sun's head and cuddled her closer to himself.

He felt at peace. He felt at home.

"Are you awake?" Hae Sun asked in her sleepy voice. Jung Hyun's movement stirred her from her sleep, and she instinctively held onto his arms as he wrapped them tighter around her body.

"Ani, I have no plans of waking up today. I'll just stay here in bed with you." He lifted his head and gave her a long kiss on her cheek. Giggling, Hae Sun shrugged him off and replied "Your stubble! It's tickling me!" Jung Hyun ignored her protest and continued kissing her all the way down to the crook of her neck.

"Aaack! Hajimallagooo!"

Hae Sun loosened Jung Hyun's hold of her and turned on her bed to face him. He surprised her with a full kiss on her lips and then he pulled back to nuzzle her nose. Hae Sun smiled as she nuzzled back at his.

"Good morning", she greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

"U-huh. Probably the best I've had the entire week."

"Me too. I missed you so so much." She traced a finger along his jaw, all the way up to the small mole under his eye. He kissed her hand as she did so.

Spending the night together and waking up next to each other was a rare occasion for Jung Hyun and Hae Sun. They visited each other's apartments whenever their schedules permitted them before, but they've rarely stayed overnight regardless of how they spent their time together. Aside from their busy schedules and Hae Sun still living with her parents, they were careful because their relationship was still fairly new.

However, with everything that has happened, it felt like they've been together for a much longer time. Most couples begin their relationship in bliss, but they've been experiencing struggles since the middle of March that year. While it made them closer, they sometimes felt sad thinking of how things could've been if it weren't for those controversies. Especially for Jung Hyun who had a more devastating experience with his agency and his past, he felt apologetic for unnecessarily giving Hae Sun a difficult time.

"Hae Sun-ah"



She didn't have to ask why. He's already told her before several times.

Hae Sun pulled their foreheads together and sweetly kissed Jung Hyun's lips. She knew his pain, fears, and anxiety but she has long decided in her heart that she will accept him and stand by him no matter what. Who he was three years ago was no longer the man she has come to fall deeply in love with at present. She witnessed how he changed and blossomed while they worked together and even his close friends and family noticed it too. 

"He's at his happiest whenever he's with you."

She pulled back and lovingly traced a finger over his eyebrow.

"We may be having a difficult time right now, but it won't be like this forever. You are a good man Jung Hyun-ah, I know you. I believe you. We'll have better days ahead of us." She kissed him again and this time, Jung Hyun responded with eagerness. He lifted himself on one elbow and slowly covered her body with his. She wrapped her arms around him and affectionately ran her hands across his back.

Yes, Jung Hyun was still hurting. He still has plenty of things to do to regain the reputation he lost. But he's determined to move forward and be a better actor – not just for himself but for the both of them. He will make this work so they can peacefully build a future together.

Suddenly, Jung Hyun's phone rang. Hae Sun immediately stopped kissing him.

"Your – your phone. Answer it" she said in between breaths. She removed her arms from his body and gently nudged him when he didn't move. She laughed at his conflicted expression and pushed the two of them to a sitting position. "Palli. Answer it so we can go back to kissing." She winked at him and only received a sly look in return.

Jung Hyun reached for his phone on Hae Sun's bedside table and was surprised to see that it was his brother on the other end of the line. He didn't hear from him regarding the negotiation with his former agency yesterday and he sincerely hoped that it went well. He immediately sat up straight on the edge of the bed and quickly answered the call. "O Hyung, what happened?"

Hae Sun stared at Jung Hyun's back as he talked to his brother over the phone. He didn't speak much and only listened, so she had no idea what they were talking about. Thankfully it didn't take long, and he has already bid him goodbye even before she reached his position.

"What ha—" Her question was cut short by Jung Hyun's embrace.

"It's over" he said. "They finally settled. It's over."

Hae Sun squealed in glee and tightly hugged Jung Hyun back. The worst of their fears was finally over, and she felt the relief wash over his body.

"Congratulations, Jung Hyun-ah. Nothing will hold you back now." They embraced each other for a few more moments before Jung Hyun pulled back and delicately ran a hand through her hair.

"Now, about that kissing..."

"Mwoya, you only want kissing?"

Jung Hyun groaned at her remark and Hae Sun just laughed at his response. They crawled their way back to the center of the bed and celebrated the start of their new beginning. 


Thank you CJ for introducing me to Sezairi! xoxo

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