Chapter 1

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Nezuko's POV

I couldn't stop staring at her. The green butterfly clip with the pink outside rim and black and white polka dots in the green area. Her silky side ponytail that was very light because of her thin hair. I can't believe I copped a seat right behind her. She's so smart, athletic, beautiful, nice, funny, did I mention she's drop dead gorgeous? Her shiny purple eyes that gleamed every time she smiled, laughed or was happy. Every time she turned to look out the window I could see her soft lips and hear her kind, smooth voice, it could be a lullaby on it's own. This is my only class with her, since she's a sophomore and I'm a freshman, because the whole high school had gathered in one room so they can announce what the last 4 days of school would look like. It was the usual 4 fun days where we had awards for sports and GPA.

I didn't worry about things like that. I was always second in everything, academic, grade, and sport-wise things like that, since Kindergarten. Right behind Kanao. I hated it so much, but I never had an ounce of anger or anything in my soul, heart, and mind that would manage to even let out a mean word to her. Zenitsu was very obsessed with me. I hated it and I will always hate it. I don't love him. I don't love men. I.... love women.......or just anyone who isn't a man.

It's almost summer! The one time when I get to be away from Zenitsu, even though he's Tanjiro's best friend. But the one time when I won't see Kanao for another 3 months.

I put my head down in my arms on my desk. I sighed.

'I just want to talk to Kanao, my friends ignore me anyway.'

Lunch was next. I usually sit in a shady spot near leaning on a tree. I don't even eat. I just think or read. After all It's May, 5th, It's always hot and the sun is shining.

The bell rang. I tried to get up and talk to Kanao but,

"Hey Tanjiro! Wait up!" She said.

I wanted to ask her about her day and just her voice, talking specifically to me. But that's okay. Maybe another time!

I went to my usual spot. There was never anyone around so I always talked to myself.

"What am I doing with my life." I laughed.

"Oh look there's butterflies!" I said not a moment later.

They were super pretty. They reminded me of Kanao's hair clip, and of course, I was reminded of Kanao.

I smiled.

I started heading back to the main campus because I had to do my hair again. Let me tell you, leaning against a tree for an hour is not a smart idea if you have long hair. Loose bark always got stuck in it along with crinkled leaves.

"Aw man!" I groaned. Today was very bad for my hair.

"Um, do you need help with that?" A kind voice, sort of like Kanao's, said.

I turned around and I saw her, Kanao.

"Oh, y-yes! Please." I said with an embarrassed look in my face.

She started to take out all the bark and leaves. My hair was very frizzy so she took some water and a brush out of her backpack, lightly put water on the brush and started brushing out my hair.

"How did this happen?" She said giggling.

I giggled as well.

"Well, I sit up against a tree during lunch and just hang out there! Today more than usual remnants got stuck in my hair." I smiled awkwardly.

"Was your time there at least fun?"

"Yeah, it's always very relaxing and I just read a book or I'm alone with my thoughts there." I said tilting my head up from her brushing out my head.

"You have beautiful hair! Make sure to keep it healthy." She said brightly.

"Of course." I added

While she was brushing my hair the back of her hand touched my neck. It was cold against my warm skin. I got butterflies and started blushing a tad.

"Sorry, my hands are kinda cold." She smiled.

"Oh don't worry that's okay."

Around 4 minutes pasted by.

"Alright! All done!"

"Thank you!....Kanao? Right?" I said

"Yes! And you're Nezuko...Kamado?"

"Yup that's me!"

"Wait are you Tanjiro's sister? He has that same last name."

"Oh yeah. We used to be super close but we got different friend groups so we stopped talking." I said rubbing my neck.

"That's interesting. Maybe I should hang out with you." She said turning around on her heels since she was starting to leave.

"See you around! Nezuko!" She waved.

"You too...Kanao." I said in a dreamy trance.

The bathroom door shut.

I was in complete and udder shock. A girl like Kanao? Noticed me?! I can't believe it. I held my face in hands. I was so flustered.

It was time to head back to class. It was science. Science is my specialty, I might even beat Kanao at it! I wish I was a sophomore, then I could see her again. In this class I sit next to Aoi. She's nice, but not my cup of tea.

"What are you dreaming about?" She said.


"You are blushing. And smiling with your head in your hands." She squinted. "No way! You have a crush!"

"No I don't!" I said in a whisper yell.

"Girls!" Mr. Tengen said firmly, "Nezuko! Tell me what I just said."

"Uh, the 3 pages to the science packet are due tomorrow. They are a practice test on psychology." I said semi-confident.

"Close enough." Mr. Tengen said turning around back to the board.

"Soooooo, who is it." Aoi seemed very invested even though we just got yelled at. "Who's the lucky guy? I know it's not Zenitsu. You seem disgusted by him."

"Wellllll, he's nice, he excels at literally everything, he goes to a different school, and he plays on the swim team and he really likes butterflies." It was so hard to describe my crush, on a girl, in the straight girl perspective.

"Is he good-looking? Like 1-10. Spill." She demanded.

"He is very pretty and has soft lips. I don't even need to kiss him to know. at least an 11." I said, just dreaming about Kanao.

"What about I don't know, HIS NAME??" She said with tons of hand movements.

"Oh, it's Ka....."I said slurring the a, "....nsuke."

"That took to long Nezuko." She said looking me dead in the eye, "Does he even exist?"

"Yes, Kansuke is very real." I said.

"Alright." She sighed and hopefully let it go.

The science period finished and it was the end of school. hooray.

I wanted to talk to Kanao more but life ain't fair. I looked up at the clouds.

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