🙁😔 Sorry... Not Sorry! 😆😁

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I appreciate all the gifts and I forgive him each and everytime regardless of any gift. But there are times when I'm wandering around this big empty house, staring at memorabilia from his films, trying to occupy my time and I... I just miss him so damn much.

Kind of like tonight, what was suppose to be a night of me crying out in passion with Johnny in bed. Just turned out to be me crying myself to sleep in bed, lonely.

Maybe this is why a lot of famous couples never stay together for long...?

Johnny's P.O.V

I rolled into the driveway of my place at about a quarter to midnight. I had my bodyguard, Malcolm pick me up from the hotel earlier. It just didn't feel right, leaving Y/N at home all alone. She gets so excited to see me after I get home from filming somewhere. I know how much she values the time we have together, I decided at the last minute I wasn't gonna rob her of that.

I thanked Malcolm and walked in the door. I took my boots off at the door and tossed my hat onto the living room coffee table. I went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to get a Coke, when I notice a bunch of casserole dishes. I opened them and peeked in, pork chops, cornbread, roasted potatoes and... I stuck my finger in the last bowl and tasted it to be sure... holy crap, my mother's sticky toffee pudding! She told me she was going to take that recipe to her grave...

Why would Y/N make all my favorites when she knew I wasn't even going to be home for dinner? I thought.

I headed upstairs to the bedroom and opened the door as quietly as possible. My bedside light was on, I walked up and saw Y/N sleeping and looking adorable as ever.
She was passed out hard, so I decided not to wake her. I took off my jeans and shirt and crawled in beside her in my boxer briefs. When I sat on the bed and took off my socks, I noticed some kind of flakes had been sprinkled all over the floor. I wiped it off my bare feet and saw they were... rose petals?

As I moved the covers to get in, I noticed... Y/N was wearing a black silk negligee and she looked hot as hell in it. I froze as she rolled over in her sleep, her face bathing in the light from the bedside lamp. I just then noticed the tear stains all down her cheeks and she was clutching a balled up tissue in her hand.

The more I saw, the more it all made sense... and the more it made sense, the more I realized I had made a dumb ass mistake.

My God... I thought to myself. Y/N planned a whole evening in just for the two of us and I screwed it all up. I stood her up again after all the effort she had put in.

The guilt hit me hard when I looked over at her sweet sleeping face. She was probably working on it when I called her earlier and she was too sweet to tell me I was the asshole who turned her down.

I went too damn far this time, I had to make this up to her... somehow.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and went to the bathroom. I yawned as I slumped down the stairs and into the kitchen. I jumped when I noticed Johnny standing in front of the stove, cooking.

"G'morning!" He smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Making breakfast" Johnny answered. "I thought that was obvious on a visual scale."

"But I thought you said you wanted to stay at a hotel with the band last night?" I asked him.

"Never mind what I said" Johnny told me. "Have a seat, I made all your favorites!" He pulled out my chair for me and placed a plate in front of me. "Look, I made your favorite, eggs and turkey bacon!"

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