Barbossa's dream

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I know this chapter isn't really good, but i promise the next one will be better. I just have no inspiration for the storyline yet. But i hope you enjoy anyways <3


For the rest of the night they didn't say anything and eventually fell asleep on top of each other.

The next day..

With Jack still topping Hector, he was yet asleep. But Barbossa was already awake, he wanted to wake up the younger man but he was sleeping so peacefully. He couldn't think of anything to do so he tried to remember what he dreamt. The captain immediatly remembered. Jack and I, we were on a beach alone. Only the two of us, it was quiet and there was a slightly warm morning breeze. I like it, he thought to himself. He looked around and saw that there is no ship around. Without thinking he looked down at Jack to let him know the Pearl is gone. But The younger lad was naked and then he realised he was too. He was blushing but walked away from Jack after putting a blanket on him. How did we get here? Hector wondered. I can't remember going off shore, and no ship. Maybe Jack know where their ship is. He turned around but hesitated for a bit. His mind was blank so he just stared at Sparrow hoping he'd remember something. Suddenly the older captain looked up because he saw something in the corner of his eye, it is a ship. But not the Black Pearl. His first reflex was to sprint to Jack and wake him up. He was panicking and shouted: "Jack! Wake up, we might be in trouble!". The sleeping pirate wasn't waking up so Hector dragged him and their clothes into the forest closeby. There was rum laying on the ground, he also took it with them. After a few minutes of walking he turned around and saw that the ship is gone. Jack was too, he began to panic even more so he ran. He ran but saw nothing anymore. There was a devestated look on his face. D-does this mean i'm all alone, without even Jack? He realised that the only thing he wanted right now was Sparrow.

He woke up from his toughts. I wish i didn't dream this. Now that's all i can think about.. Damnit Sparrow wake up, i really need to clear my head. That's what he wanted, to forget about it. But it was too good. No one has ever satisfyed me so much. I don't need nor want someone else. But then suddenly Jack pulled the older cap'n out of his toughts as he woke up. Sparrow was startled and fell to the ground. He forgot Hector was still in the bed and said to himself: "i've never slept so good in years, did something change in me bed?". Finally coming to realisation he saw the older man laying on the bed. Jack made weird noises and wanted to get out of there but saw Hector smirking playfully. They stared as if it depended on their lives. The older lad decided to break the silence and teased the man. "I didn't know i was this soft". He smirked even harder and awaited the other man's reaction. Jack was speechless and he couldn't help but smile. That's when he couldn't keep it in anymore and ran outside.

He almost ran Gibbs over but stopped at the right moment. "Where is captain Barbossa" asked the first mate. "Um well I ..don't know, why do you ask", Sparrow frowned in confusion. There was a moment of silence but then Gibbs spoke up again. "I tought i saw him go into your cabin, cp'n". "No, now stop asking questions and set sail to an enemy. It doesn't matter who, i'm in the mood for trouble savvy?". That wasn't true, he just wanted to get his mind of Barbossa by doing what he likes the most. Sparrow started walking away but heard master Gibbs call put for him. "But captain, we are still in Davey Jones' locker. "Ohw" Jack said calmly. "Now, Where is that map? Go and get it for me."

The young captian was thinking about how to get out of the locker. He stared endlessly at the map and then realised. Where is Hector, i haven't seen him all morning. Aah who cares he tought. But he was lying to himself, ofcourse he cared. He really didn't want anyone to know. "being gay is forbidden in the pirate codes." Not even 2 seconds later the older lad showed up. He didn't watch him walk towards Jack. He simply didn't notice and was shook. He heard him say in a teasy way: "they are more actualy guidlines anyway". A happy and excited feeling overcame Jack. It was like eveything was as he wished right now. But one thing was missing, Barbossa's body on his. And so the older man leaned onto him and whispered seductively "i have a proposal to make, i will make you captain". He stopped to see the younger man's reaction. He hid his excitement well. "I get the bed and you sleep on the ground or you sleep naked in the bed with me in it". Sparrow's feelings have gone crazy, he once again didn't know what to say. He was completly still and eventually said with confidence "I agree to your terms".

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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