"Did you get laid is what he wants to ask" Hoseok said grinning and looking at me.

"Did you get laid is what he wants to ask" Hoseok said grinning and looking at me

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I started blushing and stayed silent while Taehyung sipped his drink.

"Oh my god you both did it!" Yoongi said hitting Taehyungs arm.

I felt my face going red.

"Aye Jungkook isn't a virgin anymore. This is a proud moment!" Jimin said laughing.

"Wait... Does that mean your not?" Jihyun said looking at Jimin.

Jimin spat out his drink onto Yoongi as he forgot his younger brother was their.

"Um..." Jimin said not knowing how to answer.

"Just be honest Jimin" Hoseok said laughing.

"Okay fine. We are all over 18 now. It's very likely for all of us to have had sex so yes I ain't a virgin dip shit" Jimin said to his younger brother.

"Did you do it in our parents bed!?" Jihyun said shocked.

"Wait. How do you know!?" Jimin said shocked.

"Wait you did it in your parents bed!?" Yoongi said laughing and wiping Jimins drink off his face.

"Um you fucken left a mess in their bed. So therefore our parents got home. I was home. So they sat me down and said that I shouldn't be jerking off in my own parents bed and I was fucking 14!" Jihyun said hitting Jimin.

Jimin burst out laughing.

"They thought it was you!?" Jimin said covering his face to try and stop laughing.

"Yes you asshole! You have no idea how embarrassing that chat was and I didn't have the guts to say it wasn't me" Jihyun whined.

Our whole table cracked up laughing.

"Also you owe me money seen as you fucked someone and I took the blame for you. I also was home when you did it so you owe me double for that torture" Jihyun said.

"You probably didn't even hear anything" Jimin whined.

"Hmm maybe not but I was home. Was I not?" Jihyun said putting his hand out for money.

"Pay up" he said.

I laughed at Jihyun being so demanding.

Definetly follows after his brother.

"My expensive wine you drunk is your payment asshole" Jimin whined.

"Good because I do not have $106 dollars" Jihyun said laughing.

"Are you still a virgin then seen as you know if I am or not" Jimin asked his brother.

"I'm 17! What do you think?" Jihyun said.

"I lost mine at 17 so tell me because I don't know what your trying to say from your age" Jimin said.

"I'm a gay guy that no one likes. How would I have lost it?" Jihyun said looking at Jimin.

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