Akane explained that he was scammed by the original Clock Keepers, the two who wields the past and future. "Do you want the power...?" He reenacts the scene and then he switches his angry tone back. "What a load of shit!" Later he found out that it was all a set up for a new position in wielding the present.

A dangling watch was shown by Akane and let out a bitter chuckle. "Then I got this watch, that's the gist of it." He said. "As long as I'm in the school, I have the power to stop time. My contract lasts for six years, basically until I graduate."

"Speaking of contracts, how come Hanako-kun never told me when I will stop cleaning the bathrooms?" Y/n turned to look at the apparition boy but he never commented on what she said. His reply is silence. "Nevermind then..."

"Other than that, I'm just like L/n-san." Akane let out a teasing laugh while waving his hand like those ladies when they gossip each other. "I didn't know you're into rope play?" He said.

"No shut the fuck up Akane-kun, shut the fuck up." Y/n interrupts him. The two teens blabbered cursed words and insults at each other. "I will square up and beat your ass—!"

Akane stared daggers at Hanako. "You're the top mystery at this school Honorable No. 7." He remarked. "And you're also a slimy perverted brat."

"So what does the slimy perverted brat want with me?" Akane asks while crossing his legs, sitting next to where Aoi was resting.

Hanako felt like there's an arrow struck him from above by Akane's insult. Y/n and Akane may seem to get along in class but the truth is, they both had history that made their relationship seem kinda ragged. "As for what I want—"

They were cut off by someone screaming outside of the room. The four of them ran outside to see the commotion. "What's going on?" Kou asks.

Y/n inserted herself into the crowd and couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Oh man holy shit..." There were a group of old men and women sitting on the floor drinking tea and taking pictures. "Did Kamome Gakuen turned into a Home for the Elderly?!"

"Hey L/n!" Yamabuki waved his hand towards her direction while his phone is on his other hand. "What's going on—" He suddenly turned old and wrinkly before Y/n could even answer her friend.

Y/n narrowed her eyes at the small figure sitting on Yamabuki's shoulder. It was wearing a cloak and seems to be holding an imagery of a Roman clock and forwards the hand. "Heehee~"

Akane came running past her as he tried to catch the small figure. "There you are!" He gritted his teeth in frustration. "I have enough of this shit dammit!"


"She's speedy af." Y/n watched the small Mirai bounce from one place to another like a pinball machine. She moves out of the way once Mirai jumped pass by her. 'If Mirai can forward people's time then that means—'

"She vanished!" Kou cried out.

Akane was exhausted at chasing after Mirai. Hanako grabbed his watch and pointed the knife near the red head's neck. "So you're the ones behind the disturbances." The apparition smirked. "Clock keepers."

Akane let out a 'hmph' and adjusted his gloves. "Yes, we are." He admits. "Mirai got away." He explained that she's the wielder of the future and she can move time forward to anything she touches. Mirai was assigned to wear gloves but Kako, the past wielder must have let her escape.

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