The Boy in The Woods

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The family festivities were coming together well, Anika was smiling as she watched her family coming together. This was one of their last times together before Carter was supposed to get the man he had asked for, she was surprised when he hadn't asked for a wife, he had always talked about having a family when he was younger but she understood that love wasn't always between a man and a women, she understood that she couldn't tell her child no to something he had been dreaming of for years. Harlee despite being younger than Carter had gotten himself a girl early, but Carter didn't mind waiting, he was actually happy for Harlee. The younger boy had always been the outcast and Kayla completed him in a way that no one had ever seemed to be able to.

Carter was playing with the younger children when Harlee and Kayla raced towards the forest, he jumped to his feet to see a dirty boy limping towards them. His eyes grew wide seeing the gashes along his body, the moment his eyes landed on him he knew what he wanted.

He wanted that boy.

Carter raced to Kayla and Harlee just as the the mysterious forest person wavered falling forward. Carter quickly caught him, he looked thirsty and malnourished. Carter looked to Harlee. "Get mom."

Harlee nodded racing back to the house as Carter picked up the fallen boy and carried him back to his home, his heart was racing, he didn't know what it was but he knew that he needed this man. As he got to the door his mother was standing in the living room. "Carter, get him to the guest room come on," he nodded and followed his mother quickly, he pulled the backpack off of his limp body and laid him down on the bed. "Oh he looks in really bad shape, hiking maybe?"

"He looks sick ma."

"He is probably starving, and thirsty." She replied, she looked over the man and then to her boy and was stunned to see his look. "Carter, do you want to keep this one?"

Carter looked to his mother quickly. "I...oh...yeah I do. If you think dad would let me."

"You are looking at him like your father did to me when I first arrived." She noted. Carter hid his face embarrassed, she smiled looking between the two. "You will be a good match I am sure."

Carter looked to his mother quickly. "So I can keep him?"

Anika grinned and nodded. "If you keep him safe then yes." Carter smiled, his heart was beating quickly, he didn't know what this feeling was but whatever it was, he liked it.

Carter sat on a chair beside the bed, he quickly picked up the backpack he had removed from his new husband and looked over the contents, empty water bottles that had been crushed in attempts to get droplets, wrappers from food, note books, a lighter, and a broken cellphone that looked as if it had been crushed underneath rock. He opened the notebook and quickly scanned different entries. "Oh my god." Carter gasped as he read the entries. As they progressed the hand writing got worse, the third day blood splattered the pages.

Hiking Day One

What a fun day! We finally arrived at our destination after a seven state drive. Hiked ten miles and set up camp.

Hiking Day Two

Not much happened just hiked more, found another clearing to set up camp.

Day Three maybe four? I dont know how long I was out.

The rocks broke, I hope to find my way out of here, but I dont know whats going to happen to me.


I have to find something, I dont know if my friends survived. I hope they did.


I have two water bottles left, Mike had most of them.

The Boy Forged in Blood - A cannibal spin offTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon