Let There be Cowgirls

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The song dosent really go with the story, but this actually happened to me at the last rodeo. While my family was finding seats. I was saddling up and getting ready. This guy who has a crush on me parked his truck next to mine. After I got saddled up he came over and helped me up into my horse, it was very sweet because I actually needed help because my prosthetic got hung on the stirrup and I almost fell off.

Thank you for reading! If you have a song, movie, show, or etc. that you would like me to write about, either comment it, or message me. Please R&R!

I know Star Wars Rebels takes place place in Outer Space, or whatever, but this one shot takes place on Earth.

Sabine jumped in to the truck. She was on her way to a rodeo. Her barrel horse, Lumos, was in the horse trailer she was pulling. She was very good at barrel racing.

Ezra ran to the truck with his roping horse, Tony, in the horse trailer. He was a champion roper. He was half way to the rodeo, and was very anxious.

Ezra ran to the check in table. He wasn't paying attention and almost ran into his crush, Sabine. She was signing in also. After the two got signed up they headed back to their trucks. It turns out they parked right beside each other. Ezra unloaded his horse, while Sabine did the same. The saddled up, but Ezra got done before Sabine. Ezra walked over and helped Sabine on to her horse, even though she didn't need help. Ezra jumped on his horse and they went into the rodeo together.

Sabine POV

Ezra stayed back a little so I could get through. He stayed behind the gate and watched as I ran the barrels. When I went through the gates we high fived ad a few of the other people started laughing.

I didn't want to seem rude so I also stayed behind the gate and watched Ezra rope his calf. He turned out to be very good. We both won in our catogories.

(This didn't actually happen to me)
After the rodeo, when I was unsaddling Lumos Ezra and Tony came over. Ezra asked me out. I decided that maybe I had a little crush on Ezra also, so I said YES! We set a date for next,Friday and we were going to get something to eat.

Ezra and I turned out to be a very good couple.

Ezra and Sabine One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя