"Perfect," Luna grinned. "It's a date, Layla."


Luna stood in her closet, sifting through her racks of dresses and trying her best to find a dress for Liv's cotillion. She picked out a couple of contenders, throwing them into the crook of her arm, and walked out of her closet only to be met with a remorseful-looking Asher Adams.

"What are you doing in my room?" Luna squinted her eyes at him. "I'm mad at you."

Liv usually kept her best friend extremely updated on the things going on in her life and one of those things was how flakey Asher had been when it came to her dance practices. Along with informing her that Kia and Jordan were now partnered up.

"Why are you mad at me?" he frowned.

She let out a sigh, throwing her pile of dresses behind him on the bed, and sat beside him. "Because you kind of suck as a boyfriend. Liv was really counting on you, Ash."

"I know," Asher shook his head. "But, this practice was really important. Matt Springer was there. Do you know how huge that is?"

"I don't even know who the hell that is," she scoffed. "Is he important?"

"He's like..." Asher tapped his finger against his chin. "Van Gogh?"

"He has one ear and paints?" Luna scrunched her face up. "Okay...sureee."

"No," he scoffed. "I was trying to think of a famous person you'd know. Someone who was into the same thing as you."

"And you picked an old white guy from the 1800s?!" she giggled. "Okay, so this Matt Springer guy...he's what? A good football player."

"One of the best," Asher corrected. "He's a super bowl MVP."

"Sounds impressive," Luna rolled her eyes. "Look, Asher, I get that football is important to you. But, Olivia is my best friend and your girlfriend and she is equally just as important, got it?"

Asher nodded his head, sending her a mock salute. "Yes ma'am."

Luna picked her phone up, staring sideways once she noticed Asher had stuck around. "You can leave now."

"You still stalking Jordan?" Asher glanced at her phone. "That's like borderline psychotic you know that, right?"

Luna picked up one of her pillows from her bed, repeatedly hitting Asher on the head. "Get out!"

"Stop, stop, stop," Asher held his hands up. "I'm leaving!"


Luna finished the last bit of her makeup routine, checking her phone for a response from Layla. She had offered to give the Keating girl a ride to the cotillion considering they lived within 10 minutes of each other and it just made sense. But, Layla texted back, telling her that she'd just meet her instead.

Luna shook it off as nerves since an event like this was probably overwhelming for Layla who was fresh out of rehab. So, once she was done getting ready, she grabbed her clutch and car keys, waving goodbye to her parents, and headed straight to the Cotillion.

As she entered the ballroom, she practically looked everywhere for Layla but she had been late. So instead she retreated to the table where Billy and Laura were sitting, sending them small smiles as they greeted her. After a while of meaningless conversation with the two parents, Luna had excused herself and walked out to the front hall, spotting Layla nervously pacing the floor.

"You're the worst date ever."

"I know!" Layla threw her hands up. "I just...I don't think I can go in there."

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