THE FIRST 🦆duck🦆Pancake

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The ducks ran across the field feeling content and happy to be finally free from Daddy Pig the farmer came his stupid daughter Peppa. The ducks looked like this:🦆🦆🦆 there were 3 of them. So the Daddy Pig had not had any harvest from the animals as The Gild Fish ate them all. Daddy pig saw the ducks and Charged at them with his rifle. And then before you knew it the ducks were DEAD.

Daddy pig brought them in to mummy pig for her to make something. Pondering on what to make she decided to make pancakes for her family but wait blueberry, cherry no....DUCK.

And that was the first duck pancake.

"Mmmm mummy this yummy" Peppa shrieked from across the table.

From this moment on all the pigs had to eat in the morning were duck pancakes and duck blood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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