chapter 1 employment

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Heres the pic from the cover

The picture is not mine so credit to the creator

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

The picture is not mine so credit to the creator. Lets get the story started.

Hi my name is (y/n) (l/n) age 5, i come from a family of successful choreographers. My dance classes are starting today. first we were to go through the same classes as our clients so we can judge what moves to use based on experience.

But i would rather be doing my school work. I started homeschooling last year too bad i finished my work fpr the day already. My room is clean to so i have nothing else to stall with. So lets just get this over with.

My mother was our teacher and my older sister was her assistant. First they told me to stretch and move onto first to sixth form in ballet. We did that for about 1 hour. Did a few classic dances.

This lasted for 3 more years till i mastered all dancing forms and won most dancing competitions. Now it was time for me to learn about choreographing dances. After a few dancers won with the dances i made my parent told me that since i have improved faster than anyone in the family i would be taking on the company.

I am now a heir and a lead choreographer in the company. One day we got a call from the saionji family. They stood on the phone for a good hour or 2 before i called into the room.

" hello i am happy to be callee upon but i have a class in 20 minutes so i must disperse" i told my mother and father before going to my next class.

My parents and ms.saionji were observing my class so i acted as normal as possible. Inbetween each of the students dance classes i made sure the did some school work. I know dancing is important but so is a education.

I don't want stupid students. On their hour lunch break i did my own work at my desk. However today i got a knock on my office door.

" who is it" i asked.

" your mother and some guest" my mother said.

" please do come in then" i said.

I had nothing to worry about since my work space and room are always clean. My room is always clean since I'm barley in it but my office is clean because i can't work in filth.

" i have come here to see if you are fit to teach my dear granddaughter hiyoko. I have also come to the conclusion that you are. So (y/n) (l/n) will you work under the saionji name?" Ms.saionji asked and announced.

" as long as i have time to teach all of my students i have no problem doing that." I replied.

" actually you sister will take over your students while you teach hiyoko and you will still remain the heir with that you still keep everything besides your normal students." My mother informed me.

" how long will i be working under the saionjis?" I asked.

" till you both graduate collage." My mom told me.

" i agree to to this arrangement, just let me say bye to my students." I told them knowing i would have to weather i wanted to or not.

" of course your things are already packed" my mother told me.

I finished off my last question and got ready to leave. Then told my students what was going on. After i dismissed my students i went and got some extra stuff they missed like my laptop and chargers. Before i got into the car with ms.saionji.

" i have a question dear" she started.

" go ahead" i told her wanting to go back to my music.

" why did you want to go back and get your laptop" she asked.

" i use it for work and other things i enjoy." I told her.

" do you think hiyoko would want one ". She asked again

" i can't say for sure now but i'll come back to you after our first dance session" i told her.

" you can learn a lot about someone based off of their dance style and how they learn" i continued hopping she would understand what i meant.

" we will talk more then" she smiled looking away.

while she did that i opened my laptop and re-started my music and went back to studying other dances. i opened a google doc to write notes down on what moves i thought were more eye catching.

" is hiyoko into other styles of dancing or just traditional dancing" i asked.

" just traditional, that is all she needs to learn" she responded sharply.

" so no other dancing styles?" i continued.

" yes why are you pressing on this matter?" she demanded.

" i just think she will become bored of the same dance style so i wanted to introduce some other style so she can have something to look foward to. so each timme she wins she can lear a different dancing style." i explained.

" since you are a professinal i will trust your judgement and allow this as long as she doesn't mind." she agreed.

~~~ at the saionji manor ~~~

" someone help ms.(l/n) to her room, quickly" ms.saionji demanded.

i bowed before being led away by a servant.

" thank you" i said before going into my room.

I then started to set up my new room. There were only a few outlets so i needed to go get a extension cord later. Next was to put away my clothes and some light decorations.

After decorations was my weeb stuff. Once i was done i flopped onto the large bed completely exhausted. A few minutes later i heard a knock at the door.

" come in" i said.

A small girl with large pigtails came in.

" what's up?" i asked still sleepy.

" i came to meet my instructor" she said in a harsh tone.

" well here i am I'm yn ln nice to meet you hiyoko but can we continue this later?" I told her.

" fine we will do this tomorrow and you better not flake shank" she relented.

" i may be a shank but i hope you realise i have the future of your schedule and training in my tiny hands" i said grining.

"Bye now" i continued pushing her out the door.

That night i skiped dinner and went to bed early.

Chapter is done thanks for reading 1076 words.

ultimate choreographer x hiyoko Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα