Definitely a date pt. 2

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However that was abruptly cut off when Ibuki looked back at the road, parking the motorcycle on the grass for there wasn't anymore parking spaces.

The two girls got off the motorcycle and looked at the games and stands around them, both noticing the large Ferris Wheel in the middle of the clearing the carnival was set up.

Ibuki looked at Mikan, "What do you wanna do first Mikan?" Mikan looked around, unsure of what to do first. "I-I don't kn-know. I've never been t-to one of the-these before."

"That's alright Mikan! Let's go play some of the games." Ibuki grabbed Mikans hand and started leading her to one of the games. She felt Mikan grab her hand, which caused her to blush profusely.

She slowed down so the two can walk side by side, both smiling warmly. Ibukis heart was pounding, she had gone on dates before but none of them had this affect on her.

Ibuki noticed a pink bear plushie out of the corner of her eye, turning her head to look at it. Stars were practically in her eyes and she tapped Mikans shoulder, "Miki! Miki! Look!"

Mikan looked at where Ibuki was pointing, giggling when she saw how star struck she was. "Wanna t-try  and get it?" Mikan asked the colorful haired girl next to her, who nodded vigorously.

The two girls walked to the stand and Ibuki started bouncing happily. The person working at the stand smiled at them and said, "You ladies wanna play?"

Ibuki nodded her head, "That'll be three yen." Ibuki slapped three yen on the counter top, determination flaring in her eyes.

Mikan stood behind Ibuki as she tried to win the pink bear plushie, which Ibuki eventually won. "Hell yea! I told ya I was a badass at these games!"

"I-Ibuki you lost tw-twenty-four y-yen." Mikan giggled, which Ibuki waved off, "I totally got it first try."

Ibuki handed the plush to Mikan, "Here Mikan! You can have it." Mikan quickly shook her head, "AaH! N-no, you won it! You sh-should have it!"

Ibuki shook her head, "Ibuki did win it, but I won it for you!" Ibuki handed her the plushie, Mikan took it this time and looked down at it.

She gave it a small smile, looking up at Ibuki with a thankful smile. "Th-thank you so m-much Ibuki! I love it!" Mikan said, squeezing the plushie in a hug.

Ibuki flusteredly scratched the back of her head, "Awww it's nothing Miki, I'm just happy to see your smile is all!" Mikan smiled at Ibuki then nodded her head towards the Ferris Wheel.

"D-do you wanna go o-on it?" She suggest, Ibuki nodded excitedly, "Hell yea! This is gonna be great!"

Mikan held out her hand for Ibuki to grab, which Ibuki happily took. The two walking hand in hand to the Ferris Wheel, looking at the other games they would play after getting off the ride.

While waiting in line Mikan tapped Ibukis shoulder and pointed to two people, "H-hey, isn't that Hiyoko and Mahiru?" Ibuki put a hand over her eyes, trying to look through the crowd.

"Ohh yeaa!" Ibuki smiled then started waving, "Hey you two! Over here!" Mikan giggled then waved silently at the two as they walked over.

"Mikan! I wasn't expecting to see you here." Mahiru greeted them with a smile, Hiyoko on the other hand pouting. "Who cares!! These two bobble heads are interrupting our date!"

Mahiru laughed nervously, "There's no harm is greeting friends." She looked at Hiyoko who sighed in defeat, "Ughhh fine, I guess it won't be that bad." She rolled her eyes.

Mahiru looked back up at the two girls, "I didn't expect you guys to be here, especially together." Mikan blushed after the way Mahiru said that last part.

"W-we were jus-" Mikan was interrupted, "We're out on a date like you two! Ibuki brought Mikan here as a surprise!" Ibuki explained.

"Ohhh a date huh, I hope you two have fun! Maybe in the future we'll go on a double date." Mahiru walked away waving with her hand in Hiyokos.

Ibuki waved goodbye, looking behind them to see it was their turn to get on the Ferris wheel. "Hey Miki, look! It's our turn!"

She looked at Mikan, who was looking at the ground, deep in thought. Ibuki's smile slowly faded and turned into worry.

'Was it weird to call it a date!? Was I being too loud and scared her?? Did I say something wrong!? Did I do something wrong?? Was it rude to interrupt her?? Is this not a date to her, am I making her uncomfortable?? Am I just assuming!!? What did I do!!'

Ibuki's thoughts were racing, her chest tightening in fear. Ibuki placed a hand on Mikan, snapping her out of her thoughts. Mikan jumped at her touch and looked at Ibuki.

"O-oh I'm sorry! I di-didn't mean to doze off l-like that." Mikan apologized, Ibuki put a smile back on her face, despite the anxiety she was feeling.

"It's a groovy Mikan! C'mon, it's our turn!" Ibuki said, walking over to the Ferris wheel seat, Mikan following soon after her. The two sat down and lowered the bar to keep them in their seats.

As the person was getting ready turn the ride on, Ibuki started getting lost it thought.

'Maybe I'm too intense for Mikan, what if I scare her with how loud I am? What if I'm annoying her? What if I accidentally hurt her? What if-'

Her thoughts were interrupted when Mikan slightly shook her, "Ibuki! Y-you're gripping the b-bar really ti-tightly..are y-you ok...?" Ibuki looked at Mikan, noticing the worry in her eyes.

Mikan was shy and timid, the complete opposite of Ibuki. Ibuki was loud and confident, but Mikan was so nice and caring and beautiful.

Ibuki needed someone like Mikan to balance her out, Ibuki can be rather impulsive but Mikan keeps her steady and levelheaded.

Ibuki wanted to protect Mikan from whoever or whatever tries to harm her, even if she had to protect her from herself. "H-hey Mikan.." she started.

She looked away from Mikan, feeling nervous. Going quiet when the ride started, their seat going up. "I-Ibuki..what i-is it?"

"D-did I..." she tried to find the words, finding it harder than usual to get out what she needed to say. "Did I do something...wrong?" "H-huh..?"

"You went quiet after I interrupted you...was I too loud? Did I scare you? Did I say something wrong? Am I being annoying? Do you actually like spending time with me or-" she was cut off with something she didn't expect.

Mikan had placed a hand on top of Ibukis, gripping it and putting her head on Ibuki's shoulder.

"Ibuki. I really l-like you."


Word Count: 1779


The Guitarists Savior (Bandaid/Tsubuki)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu