Eventually, Sanemi's weight gave in and the entrails that held his heart ripped, and his body flopped to the ground, while his heart was still clutched in Muzan's hand. Muzan brought Sanemi's heart to his face and proceeded to feast on it, blood spraying everywhere.

"Mmm..." Muzan said after finishing his snack, wiping off the blood on his face. "Exceptionally delicous."

All the other Hashira drew their swords and took their stances, but Okayata raised his hand to stop them.

"Don't." Okayata said.

"Yes, slayers, do not!" Muzan said. "Unless you feel inclined to accompany your friend here in the afterlife."

The Hashira, after a few seconds, hesitantly put their swords back in their scabbards.

Muzan chuckled. "Now, if you will excuse me, I shall pick out a good venue to proceed with our negotiations."

Muzan walked past the Hashiras and on to the pathway of the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

"C'mon, follow him." Okayata said. The Hashiras walked behind Muzan cautiously.

Okayata looked back at Sanemi's corpse. A single butterfly landed on his forehead, as if it was mourning his loss.

Don't worry, Kanae. Okayata thought. He's coming to see you.

Okayata looked back at the other Hashira.

And maybe, if this doesn't end well...

We'll all come to see you.

. . .

Shinobu hugged herself in the corner. She couldn't cry anymore, as her eyes had completely ran out of tears.

She peeked through the bars and saw her Nichirin blade standing, leaning on the wall. Douma put it there a while back.

"Escape if you want, I don't really care." He said.

Unfortunately, the blade was too far to grab. Unless a miracle happened, she wasn't getting her blade back.

"OH, SHINOBU!!!" A voice shouted from the doorway. Shinobu knew who it was, and hated who it was.

Rika popped out from the doorway, skipping and doing a little dance while walking. She had a smile on her face and a bento in her hands, as usual.

How dare she smile like that...

"Dinner's ready!" Rika said cheerily. She kneeled down and slid the bento to Shinobu.

Rika's smile faded as she looked at Shinobu. She looked... upset. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Thanks, I guess..."

Her voice was raspy, too.

Nevertheless, Rika smiled and carried out the conversation awkwardly.

"Well, Shinobu? Do you like the new sushi recipe I came up with?"


"Wow, it was pretty tough to make. Human food is so complicated to cook. Don't you agree?"

"I guess."

"Hey, what's that over there?"

Shinobu looked at where Rika was pointing. It was the bento Douma made for her a few hourse ago.

"Oh, that's just something Douma gave to me. Nothing, really."

"Really? That's so sweet!!!"

"I still haven't eaten it."

Tsunami of Dead Tears: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now