"You call for me Madam B?!" She gesture for me to sit so I did

"Yes I want you to train and fight someone but no killing!" She put her tea down

"Ok!" Then she push infornt of me a white folder and I open it

"Give her advance lesson that you have, in just a week or so but I want you to remain hidden so here!" She give me a small box, I open it and there's a 3 black mask that cover may bottom face

"When do we start?" I stand up and grab the folder and box

"Later at 3 pm" with that I made my way to my room and read the file

This is easy one I'm more advance to her so it's pretty easy to me. I just need to give her a lesson and kick her ass then my job is done here

I already waiting at my own training room and stretching, after a minute the door open

"No killing both of you!" I turn around but I have a mask, then Madam B exit the room

"Let's began!" I quickly said so she go in the middle and face me

"Show me what you've got!" I said and we position ourselves on a fighting stand

We circle for a good minute then she's the one who attack first. She throw her left arm to punch me but I dodge it and punch her in the stomach pretty hard and she stumble backward

"Harder!" She attack me quickly, punch, kick and try to pin me down but I all dodge it and she throw a punch so I grab it I elbow her in her back and kick her right leg and that cause her to the ground facing the ground and I pin her, her left arm are in her back that I'm holding, locking her legs with my own and put a pressure in her back neck that my nails are slightly digging but it's enough to put a mark but no cuts just mark.

I let go and stand up and face my back to her and go to the bench and throw her a bandage and I wrap my own hand with it

"I'll show you some skills, all you need to do was dodge all of it and try to pin me down. If you didn't get it every round I'm gonna slow my movement until you got it!" And I face her she nod and wrap the bandage around her hand and we began the training until it last 3 hours. We did training every 3 pm a day we never stop training and after a month she's already good as I am but of course I have a different mentor and I was advance to them so even if she's cooping to me I always the number one

It was already 2 am and Madam B are holding me in her office about a new big mission that I'm going tomorrow 7 am when suddenly one of the guard barg in

"Someone's trying to escape!" And with that we all running but I went to a different direction I don't know why but I have a feeling that it was her, we became friends for over a month and she told me that one day she'll gonna escape this hell hole but I'm against to her, she want me to escape with her but of course I'm stubborn so I said no, we still became friends but she didn't know me I mean she didn't know a little about me, all she know was I'm a killer and assassin that's all

When I went to the back of the academy I saw her, there she is hooking the rope at the top of the 10 feet wall, when she notice my presence she turn to me and point her gun to me

I walk at the light and when she saw me she put her gun down and I walk towards her

"Come with me!" She take my hand and rub the back of it of her thumb

"You know my answer to that!" She sigh and squeeze my hand

"We can have a new life, a different life that's not like this" I shake my head signalling that she truly can't change my mind

"Go escape and live a different life, I'll hold them" and I throw a hook of the rope at the top and pull it down to make sure that it's secured

I give her the rope and she accept it then look at me one more time and have a pleading eyes to come with her

"Please!" She cup me face of her left hand and I close my eyes feeling her touch, this will be that last time I'm gonna feel it and see her so I place my hand on top of hers and rub it at my thumb

"I can't so go now, don't stop running until your away from here, don't look back here" she nod at me

"Your name, can I know your name before I go?" I smile sadly to her

"Soon Talia, you'll know soon" with that I give her my necklace that have a little half wing pendant and at the back of it is my initial and smile sweetly. I can't take the risk of telling her any information about me, they will go after her if I tell anything.

"I'll come back for you! I promise" Then we heard a little noise near us so I push her up and run to the other end and hide there. When she's already at the top she look at me one last time and I nod to her then she's gone that's the time I run to that direction acting that I just got here while they show at the other end.

At least before she escape she see my face clearly in front of her, that's her only clue to me besides I'm the killer, assassin and the greatest asset of the Red Room.


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