Chapter 10: A Crazy Conversation

Start from the beginning

"If the Duke truly is such a great man despite the infamous reputation that goes around then I have nothing to worry about have I?" She chuckled. "I hope he finds a woman not undeserving and vile to whom he shall award the title of the Duchess of his dukedom and the people thereof."

"Indeed." Greycoat acknowledged, a smile forcing its way out despite his tightly clenched lips, proving how deeply he was enjoying her discomfort.

"Great. This has been a great conversation." She concluded and with both her hands, she gathered her dress. "However, I am afraid I must take your leave now, for I've been gone for quite a while and my mother must be-"

"No wait, Miss Sherborne." Lord Greycoat interrupted but she paid him no heed. With one slight curtsy, she started walking back to the front garden however, her heavy dress and even heavier embarrassment limited the size and frequency of her steps.

"Thank you for your time, sir." She spoke as she walked. "About your coat, I'll bring it to you one of these days when-"

"Miss Sherborne, I did not mean to offend you, please, stop." He caught up to her in no time with his long strides and comfortable attire.

"Oh, there's no need for apologies, I am not offended by the least. It's absolutely-"

Her steps were getting used to the ground she was walking on when an unannounced hand on her wrist halted her mid-step.

"Miss Sherborne." Esther's eyes widened as she turned around to look at him. Even more when she looked at his fingers wrapped around her bare wrist.

He pulled his hand off her skin as soon as realization dawned on him. "My apologies."

"You seem to have a lot of things to apologize for." Esther made a contrastingly sharp remark looking straight into his eyes.

Another smirk was the last thing she expected to receive.

"So you agree that it is necessary, the apology I mean."

"It is not. Neither is this conversation." Esther replied in haste and started striding once again.

"You're mistaken, Miss Sherborne. For this is a very important conversation and it is far from over." He was walking next to her once again.

"Not for me sir, no."

"Of course it is!" He jumped in front of her path and she stopped well in time to not collide with him once again. A frown that spoke annoyance grew firmer on her forehead but Greycoat seemed to not notice it. "Are you not curious at all as to why the Duke sent you a personal invite if it's not to fulfil the late Duke's promise?"

The concept was intriguing and for a moment Esther found herself wondering but soon she gathered herself. "Curiosity is a disease and I do not care. The Duke will not marry me, that is all I need to know." She said and looked away to express the gravity of her disinterest.

Sun was now situated right at the top of their heads and the heavy dress was not helping in keeping the perspiration in control. Faint music from the garden was leaking its way to the backyard along with a mess of chattering and laughing. They all seemed pretty indulged but Esther couldn't help but wonder if her mother had arrived yet or not, which she probably had, and in that case, she would soon discover that she was missing.

She was supposed to be having a romantic conversation with the Duke of Dales at the moment but here she was, hiding in the secluded backyard with his friend making sure such a situation does not occur.

"Whatever are you saying, Miss Sherborne? We never established the fact that the Duke will not marry you." Lord Greycoat spoke in all seriousness and Esther's head snapped as she stared at him with bewilderment and more than one clear hint of fear.

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