The Encounter

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It didn't take long before Alden was by himself so he got everything he needed and had a few more gallons to spend his family was pretty wealthy. "HEY LOOK OUT" someone ran right into Alden, both fell onto the floor. Alden fell on the floor while the other boy fell on top of him, the boy that fell onto Alden had messy dark brown hair, pale skin like his own, and dark black eyes. " oh sorry about that" the boy helped up Alden and picked up his broom. " I just tried out broom and ended up running into you, names Silas by the way you?"

Alden felt a some type of feeling when he saw Silas, but ignored it. "My name is Alden" Alden looked at the boy and noticed his robes ripped and stitched up so much. "I have a couple of more gallons I think I can pay for new robes" Alden said while pulling the money out of his pocket. " I- are you sure" Silas said hesitating. " Yeah I'm sure" Alden said putting the coins in his hands. They walked to the robes shop and got Silas some new robes. 

"Was that all your money" said Silas as they walked down to the pet shop. "Yea, the money my parents gave me" Alden said as they walked into the shop. "Oh hi Silas nice robes there" Silas looked down at his little sister Rosalyn. "Yea my friend Alden got them for me" Rosalyn eyed them suspiciously. 

( a/n: Rosalyn is a year younger than her brother)

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