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Albedo and Kaeya walked into the tavern. Diluc, who had been bartending, let out a sigh. He already had Venti in the tavern with him and didn't feel like seeing his brother and his little friend either.

Kaeya smirked "Oh Diluc, why the sad face? We only came in for the wine."

"I don't care for your childish teasing. If you're going to buy wine sit down and buy it. Or just get out."

With that Kaeya and Albedo sat down, Diluc rolled his eyes. "What do you want to drink?"

"Dandelion wine, please."

Kaeya looked at Albedo "And you?"

Albedo quietly thought.

"Hm.. I'll have what he's having"

Diluc went to make the drinks, leaving the boys to talk.

"Do you come here for drinks often?"

Albedo shook his head. "I don't really have too much interest of coming here and would rather get on with my work. Although, Master Diluc does intrigue me."

Kaeya narrowed his eyes "Intrigues you?"

"Yes, although he is a serious business man he seems.. very serious. As a very rich man he doesn't seem very happy at all.. I wonder why."

Kaeya slightly looked over at Diluc making the drinks. He remembered everything. The way Diluc went from his best friend to someone he barely even got to talk too except for in the tavern or random occasions. He used to be so joyful but now it was hard to tell when he was even happy.


"Hm- oh sorry. It seems I zoned out."

Albedo sighs "I was just saying.. our drinks are here."


Kaeya picked up his wine glass and gently rotated the glass in a small circle movement causing the wine inside to do a swishing movement.

"You seem out of it. Was it something I said?"

Kaeya looked up at him "No it's not you. I'm fine really I must just be tired."

"Well.. you should get some more rest."

Kaeya smiled and took a sip of his wine "Indeed, I'll try."

Albedo nodded and then took a sip of his wine.

The both of them had a really nice night of talking and even some laughs, although they never got to the topic they were originally here for.

"And then it turns out the cart was there the whole time."

Albedo laughed "How did that even happen?"

"Even I'm not too sure"

Diluc let out an "Ahem" causing the boys to look over at him.

"Kaeya, it's getting late don't you think? ^^"

"Hmm. Oh yes, indeed it is. Albedo let me walk you home."

"Hm- oh no you don't have too it's fine."

"Nono, I shall."

Kaeya stood up and then tucked in the stall, Albedo doing the same. They both walked out together, stepping into the cold night air. "Oh it's more cold than I thought.. Hm-"

Kaeya put his jacket around Albedo and the boy looked up at him. "Thank you-"

"It's no problem."

They continued walking, Albedo trying not to show his now red cheeks to the other knight.

After a bit of time they got to Albedos. The two looked at each other.

"Tonight was fun"

Albedo nodded "I agree."

Kaeya grinned "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah.. see you tomorrow."

Kaeya walked away with a little wave and a smile on his face and Albedo waved back, also with a smile.

Albedo walked into his house.


"Klee.. why are you still up?"

Klee frowned "I-I'm sorry Albedo.."

The alchemist just sighed and let his hair down.

"Who was that outside?"

"Hm.. Kaeya."

Klee smiled and jumped up into the air "Did you finally tell him your love for him?!"

Albedo went red. "W-what-"

"Klee read you diary and saw you wrote about Mr. Kaeya in it!"

"K-Klee you shouldn't read those things.."

Klee looked up at her brother "Are you okay? You look red."

And she wasn't wrong Albedo was now very very red.

"L-let's just get you too bed.."


I love this ship way too much help.

I hope you enjoyed!


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