Lawyer Han looked up to check Zhou Zi Shu. He had no expression on his face, but he could see from his eyes that he was hurt and on top of that, he was worried of the branch office well-being. The fate of hundreds of people was in his hand.

“What can we do to save the branch office?” Zhou Zi Shu finally asked.

His first question wasn’t about Ryu Jin. He didn’t ask what he should do with Ryu Jin. For him, his employees were far more important. He might already make decision for Ryu Jin.

Lawyer Han thought for a moment before replying, “we can sue him for damages and ask him to return the money he embezzled.”

“Don’t you think there is a slim chance he can return the money?”

“The perpetrator usually spent the money to purchase luxury material such as jewelry or property…they even can spend the money for useless things like gambling. So, you’re right. He might unable to return the money. But...first thing first, we should investigate how he spent the money. Then we can make an agreement with him, who knows, he would have a conscience and willing to re-pay the money. Worst things worst…we have to use our assets to safe the branch office.” Lawyer Han paused for a moment before continue softly, “I know you two are pretty close. You’ve treated him like a brother and he surely aware of it. There is a chance he would confess to you. He might have his own reasons.”

Zhou Zi Shu clenched his fist, “If he still considers me as his big brother…he would never do this in the first place. He knows I will help him with any problem he faces, so there are no reasons can justify his wrongdoing. No matter how close we are, I’m still the CEO of this company. I should choose my priority.”

Lawyer Han nodded. This was one of the reasons he admired Zhou Zi Shu. His business conduct has always separated from his personal feeling. This has been the reason Zhou Zi Shu became successful at such young age. Some said he was cold-hearted or ruthless when it comes to business, but he would say Zhou Zi Shu was rational.

Understand that he shouldn’t delay any further, he stood up, “Well, Mr. Zhou, I’ll start digging and get back to you in couple days.”

Zhou Zi Shu looked up and nodded, “make sure you keep him under surveillance.”

“Consider it’s done.” Lawyer Han assured him and left. He would get busy for the next few days.

Setting aside the case, Zhou Zi Shu returned to his desk and drifted his attention to his work. He wouldn’t let this matter consumed his mind. After all, all he could do was to wait for the investigation result from Lawyer Han before executing his decision.

It was seven in the evening when Liu Ning entered his office, asking if he still needed her and with a short reply, he dismissed her. Looking at his wristwatch, he stood up and left. Knowing that going straight home was not an option, he instructed his driver to take him to the lounge he frequently visits.

It was a private lounge owned and operated by an elder called Uncle Lu. The lounge has started its business almost forty years ago. Uncle Lu inherit the lounge from his parents. The location itself was like a small complex where few long-time bars and restaurants operate. Different from the usual modern hangout place which offered lots of entertaining music or interesting views and luxury, this neighborhood offered familiarity, sincere conversation and tranquility.

No modern skyscraper building surround it. No ear-splitting vehicle sounds. The common reason people came to the neighborhood, was to relax themselves from their hectic life. Drinking and dining in relax manner. No pretentious act. They could become themselves without being judged by others.

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