"I'll let you take over from here," Luna sighed, walking off. "I'll see you later, Liv."

"No," Jordan tried to reach out for her wrist. "Luna!"


Obnoxious laughter had filled the cafe as Luna, Layla, and Liv sat just a few feet away from Jordan, JJ, and what seemed to be a band their band of groupies. Since winning the game Luna had noticed there were quite a few girls who tried to gain the attention of her boyfriend, and it didn't help that Jordan was doing absolutely nothing to push them away.

"Your face screams murder," Layla joked, glancing at her. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she shrugged, waving her off.

Liv and Layla had drifted off into their own conversation regarding Jordan's behavior once again. While Luna couldn't help but glance over at the table he was at watched as one of the girls beside him had gotten a bit too touchy. She wasn't a particularly jealous person considering she'd never been put in a situation where she ever had to be. But, dating Jordan Baker was clearly a game-changer.

"Luna!" Liv snapped her fingers in her face. "Earth to Luna!"

"Yes?" she blinked profusely, looking at her. "What, Liv?"

"Were you listening to us?" Liv questioned.

"No," she answered, honestly. "What's up?"

"We were talking about my dad," Layla sighed. "Well...Liv was. As always."

"Oh, Daddy Keating!" she grinned. "How is he?"

"What did we talk about?" Liv grimaced. "No calling people's dads by daddy and their last names!"

"And for the last time," Layla stressed. "My dad's fine. I'm fine. We're all fine."

"It's like we're playing musical fathers, ours leaves," Liv gestured between her and Luna. "Yours comes back."

"Don't forget about Spencer's dad," Layla commented. "And Luna's dad always leaves."

"How could I?" Liv scoffed. "I mean, I can't believe he wants Spencer to move back to Crenshaw..." she dropped her mug back onto the table once she realized Spencer did not inform Layla about his situation. "And I have the biggest mouth in the world. I am so sorry. He didn't want to tell me, okay? I just assumed he told you."

"Liv, it's fine," Layla smiled. "I'm sure he was planning on telling me."

Luna looked around the room, awkwardly scratching the back of her neck due to weirdness between the girls after Liv had accidentally revealed a bit too much. As if things couldn't have gotten any worse, a commotion was heard behind them and once they turned around they spotted Jordan and JJ involved in a fight with some random cafegoer.

"I'm gonna leave," Luna announced. "See you guys, later."

"You're not gonna talk to him?" Liv quirked an eyebrow.

Luna shook her head. "Not when he's acting like a dumbass."


Since the championship game meant that it was the official end to cheer season. Luna had the option of not going to the 7-on-7 game and pretty much all games that extended after the state championship game. She and Jordan hadn't talked much since the day of their unofficial argument with the exception of the messages he had sent her.

So, Luna had decided to spend her time with Liv. Especially since Jordan's messages never included an apology. Along with the additional information that Asher had given her, adding more fuel to the fire. Telling her that he had been acting like a dick towards him and everyone else and informing her about the terrible loss at the 7-on-7 game.

"You and Jordan still not talking?" Liv asked, glancing at her friend.

"Mhm," Luna shook her head, hopping onto the counter and swinging her legs a bit. "Not until he stops acting like a child. Ugh, nobody tells you how hard relationships are."

"Literally everyone tells you that," Liv deadpanned.

Luna waved her off, giving her an eye roll as Mrs. Baker strolled through the front door with bags of takeout in her hands and set them down on the counter. Immediately demanding the two girls to get plates from the cabinets to put the food on.

"Hey, Mrs. Baker?" Luna glanced at the woman. "Sorry for spending the night in Jordan's room. I...I wouldn't have done it if I knew you weren't okay with it."

Laura let out a sigh, patting her softly on the back. "You've been sleeping over since you were 7. It's fine, Luna. You and Jordan are in a relationship, now. Just...don't make it a habit."

"Oh, trust me," she let out a scoff. "We won't."

"Hey...Oh, Luna?" Jordan bounced down the steps, he attempted to pull her in for a kiss, making her jerk back. "You're being weird, again. Liv, have you seen my keys?"

"Haven't seen 'em," Liv muttered.

Laura slid over a flip phone to Jordan, raising her eyebrow up in a challenging manner. "That's your new phone until I say otherwise. As for your car keys, they're in my purse where they will stay for the next month, you can take the bus. And I changed the wifi password and if you haven't figured it out yet, you're grounded."

"Ooh," Liv let out a chuckle. "#Grounded, huh? Too bad you can't post with that phone."

"Enough, Olivia," Mrs. Baker snapped. "I've got a beeper with your name all over it if you want to join him..." her eyes drifted over to the other dark-haired girl who had been biting down on her lip to stifle her laughter. "You want to add anything, Luna?"

Luna clutched the plate of food in her hand, shrinking in fear. "I think you got it handled, Mrs. B."

"So dad leaves, and I get punished for it," Jordan snarked. "Nice."

"Watch it, Jordan Baker!" Laura raised her voice.

Liv gestured to Luna towards the steps. "Okay, that's our cue. Come on."

Luna sent them a curt nod and followed after Liv. "Bye."


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