|The Final Challenge|

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"I don't like a quick death but I want this over with and now." She gritted then pulled the trigger. I expected for it all to go black but instead was met with the feeling of something burning my skin, I looked over and saw the damage the bullet made. But also I saw Adrien at her feet with one of her daggers sinker in.

She yelled out in pain and was ready to get another shot at Adrien but I pushed her down onto the ground and dug one of my blades into her stomach.

"It's over Margret, so either you bleed to death in due time or die now." I announced as a look of pain and anger was mixed into her eyes. She kicked me in the stomach quickly, Margret stumbled up as she regained her balance and took one of her daggers.

I fell onto the floor but quickly got up, with only one dagger in my hand I charged back at her striking every opening she had but she continued to block.

"I won't go down so easily Rosalie, mark my words I'll kill you before you get a chance to be with him." She argued back then stabbed my arm and kicked my side resulting in a fall to the floor. As she drew closer I kicked her back in the stomach, deepening the daggers cut then stood up. Rage was the only thing circulating through my mind at this point. As our blades clashed against each other we fought to land a hit but blocked the others in the process.

It was as if hours had pass by of me and Margret moving back and forth with this pattern, block, attack, block, attack. But it was over once I took the strength to kick her blades off and stab my daggers into her arms. I was left defenseless as they impaled her and my breath became rugged, but god it felt good to see her in pain.

Margret stepped back with a smile on her face but in seconds pain loomed over her face and blood started to gush out quickly.

She ran towards me while taking the daggers out of her arms and slashing away at my skin. I held my arms up in a defensive pose but it didn't stop her from cutting any spot that was open.

She then kicked me down, I fell onto the floor yet again but as I was about to get up she plunged one of the daggers into my stomach.

Margret looked like a complete mess, with blood oozing out and cuts across her body and face. I probably looked the same at this point, my body ached I'm pain as I could still feel the bullet in me and blood still spilling out.

"I..win." She gritted and began to stab me in the stomach repeatedly yet at that moment I began to feel no pain. Because it was far from over. I punched her across the face and took one of the blades to the side, stabbing and slashing parts of her body until my hands gave out on me.

I took deep hard and rugged breath for oxygen as I saw Margrets Brady now lifeless. Her blue eyes looked dead as they still remained open, and as for her white hair it was tainted with blood. It was over.

As my eyes landed on Adrien he began to stagger over towards me, he held his stomach tightly as he came to me but fell down. He was only a few feet away from me so I began to drag my weak body over to him.

But a sudden waive of fatigue washed over me and my face fell down onto the ground. I tried to move my head up so I could see him and slowly I did. He continued to drag his body over to me, blood trailing behind him but he didn't stop.

I felt his cold hand touch mine and I smiled, we were together again.

"I don't think we have much time Adrien." I cried out as he brought his body closer to mine as we rested our heads together.

"I know my love but I hope to see you in the afterlife. We're we can be together again and watch over our son." He responded and I felt small tears cascaded down my face.

Bound TogetherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz