The Beginning + Day One

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Bright green eyes opened in the void, darting around to see whatever they could, but saw nothing. Never before felt emotions slowly settled in. Panic as there was nothing, but they were still there. Confusion as to why they were here, and where were they in the first place?

A voice came and echoed around in every direction, every tone, every volume.

"Welcome" the voice said, "What is your name"

They didn't know how to answer, but a single word filled their mind, and their mouth moved


Nothing else was said as black faded to white to green. 


Day One


I don't know what to put here

I guess I'll start with the beginning, which took place just this morning

I sort of. Appeared here? I can't remember much before that besides pure darkness, and my name too. My name is Andy. I think

When I woke up, I had this book and a map on me. I guess it'll be useful to document what happens. I was so afraid though. I ran far far away from the place I awoke and now I'm in some weird area, the mountains are high and the valleys are low. But it's so green, and there's acacia trees. It's so weird, but fun to climb around.

My shelter is currently on the highest peak, as that's where I was when the sun began to go down and I panicked.

Why am I even writing this? I seem to be the only one here (besides the zombie that is currently trying to take down my door) Maybe I'm hopeful. Or maybe to pass the time? Get my thoughts in order?

I wish I could say this was a dream but where would I be before this dream? I don't remember anything before I woke up in this place.

I don't think I could handle this if it wasn't a dream though. Not yet anyways. Maybe because I'm hungry, so I just can't think well right now.

This will be a long night. Hope I can sleep


Authors Note-

Hey! Caz here with my first uploaded chapter, this story will be sorta slow in the beginning but it should pick up! This chapter was short and sorry but I'll write longer ones ;v;

I have a slight idea for what I want to happen, but we'll see :b

Uhhhhhh, I hope you guys have a good day if you made it this far, see you soon!

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