just close your eyes and dream about it

Start from the beginning

"I've got the worst boyfriend ever," he grumbles, as Louis presses a kiss to his knuckles. He can be so dramatic. "He won't even tell me if he ordered me a latte or a mocha."

"Tough love," Louis winks.

Harry gives up the game and kisses him briefly, nestled in their little world and hidden in their tiny corner of the coffee shop. Louis notes his lips taste like candy like always. He tells him just as much.

"You always taste so sweet."

He thinks it might come from the tube of strawberry lip gloss Harry keeps in his back pocket.

It's then that their food and drinks are placed on their table by a delightful waitress who looks at them knowingly. Harry takes his hand off Louis shoulder, and has to practically pull himself from where he had climbed into his lap. He is kind of glad the rest of the cafe is almost empty. His face lights up when he sees the plum cake he had been eyeing up last week right in front of his eyes.

"You remembered," he says, exactly the way Louis had hoped he would. He grabs at his latte with the same joy, blowing gently to cool it down with magic in his eyes.

Louis is sort of in love.

They eat the cake and drink their drinks with minor interruptions. They put on their jackets and venture out into the cold after a while of wasting the afternoon away. That is the great thing about morning classes, you've got the rest of the day to not study.

Harry pulls Louis into a few stores to look at all sorts of things. They spend far too long searching for books in a second hand store, Harry running his fingers along the spines and furrowing his brows. He doesn't find the one he is looking for but buys two others he hopes to enjoy. Louis is tempted by the different rings they have sitting under the glass counter. While Harry pays he admires them.

He doesn't like them for himself, but fancies Harry would look pretty wearing another silver ring on his long fingers. He darts his eyes away before Harry takes his hand and leads them out the front door, his books in hand. They make their way into a big fancy clothing store and scan the rows of items, Harry tries to pick things out for Louis. Louis at first doesn't notice, he is busy looking at sizing and prices, but eventually he goes where Harry points him.

Harry wanders around touching things but not really paying attention. Harry has focused his attention, while he thinks Louis' isn't noticing, at the other side of the store. His eyes dart over the beautiful and intricate pieces in the women's section with a curious gaze. Louis' instantly wonders how long this has gone on for and how long it has taken him to notice. He grabs one of the shirts he is looking at and steps over toward his boyfriend.

Harry holds his books close and when he notices Louis' coming toward him he engrosses himself in what is right in front of him. Louis' knows he loves pretty things, he wouldn't be Harry if he didn't. He knows he doesn't care much for the rows of trousers in front of him here. He tries not to notice the faint hint of blush that creeps onto his cheeks.

Louis looks at the table of jeans and shirts Harry stands by. "Do you want to try some of these on?" Louis asks, pointing at them.

Harry cocks his head to the side, as if just noticing them, because he probably didn't before. "Not really," he says quietly, his hands failing to reach out to touch or feel. They don't tempt him.

Louis comes a little closer to him, placing a hand on the small of his back. He tries to be as casual as possible when he asks, "Do you want to look over there?" with a tilt of his head in the direction Harry was gazing. He gives him a soft smile as if this can be the most casual thing in the entire world if he wants it to be. He can say no and Louis will forget about it, or he can say yes and it will be fine. Easy.

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