"spells. lots of spells" she whispered, she could hear her heart pounding through her head and her breathing heavied.

"kid, they're worried that if you go you won't come back" he connected the pieces and wrapped a secure arm around her.

"if I don't that's not their problem. If I die who cares, as long as my mother is okay"

"your judgement is clouded, perhaps if we go see-"

"no." she commanded "I don't need help, I'm fine I just wish to see my mother."

"she could hurt you again, you said it yourself she isn't thinking right"

"It's nothing I haven't been through, i can handle it I'm staying on this train."

they were running out of time and Frank could see the symptoms, the early signs and he took out his wand. She wasn't looking at him, she was looking at the wall in front of her. He muttered a quick spell and her head fell onto his shoulder in deep sleep. He gently picked her up and walked out of the compartment feeling a small tang of guilt but it was covered by his worry. the mauaders quickly caught sight of him and crouded to him. He passed her to Sirius, then the five walked up to the castle with Dorea sleeping in Sirius' caring arms.

"I can see the early signs, she needs to see someone, she needs to talk to someone soon." Frank said quickly

"we're headed to McGonagalls"

"maybe we should go to Dumbledore, this is serious"

Sirius opened his mouth but Remus slapped him on the back

"not the time" he whispered to him

Dorea's breath hit Sirius' arm each breath she exhaled. how could he have not noticed how far she was away from him. Even when he held her in his arms she was so far away, miles and miles distant. He thought he understood her, he always thought they were so alike. But Sirius would never think to go back to Grimauld place when he was moments away from Hogwarts. He thought she would be the same, they felt so similar, but they were deeply so different.

They knocked on Dumbledore's eagle. It opened in moments and they rushed in.

"good afternoon boys, what has you troubled?" the Headmaster asked but sirius stepped from behind James and Remus to walk to Dumbledore. They explained every detail, everything from early signs to things they didn't know. The early signs of her being suicidal, not caring about her life anymore. She wasn't thinking straight anymore, blocked by her grief.

"yes, yes she will be attended for, don't let this ruin your first day back boys. Mr. Potter, Longbottom, Pettigrew, and Lupin may leave. Mr. Black would you stay in the caution she were to wake up?" he proposed and sirius nodded. there was no way he'd let her go, not when she was like this. You couldn't drag her away from him, not even if you held a pocket knife or a wand to his throat.

Headmaster Dumbledore paced for a few moments, then called for Minerva. Just a few moments later the proffesor rushed in, her hair in a tightly kit bun and her eyebrows creased. She looked to the Headmaster then to the boy in a chair in front of the head master, then at the girl the boy was clutching.

Dumbledore excused himself and Minerva and they went to a side room to discuss.

After and eternity Dorea shuffled in Sirius' grip, her head tucked in his side, she felt so fragile as if she'd crack at any moment. Sirius held her tightly, not planning to ever let go.

Minutes later, the sun began to fall and the two teachers walked calmly back into the main quarters.

"Mr. Black, we can watch over her for the time being, we can help her get better, but we cannot force her to stay here. And when summer rolls around I don't know where she'd stay" Dumbledore said calmly

"she can stay with James, he's already agreed to it"

"Mr. Black, we cannot force her to do so-"

"sir you must be able to do something!"

"Mr. Black, we know you are worried about her, but we cannot do anything after she steps off the grounds, if she refuses to stay with Mr. Potter we have no right to go meddling" Dumbledore continued. Minerva stayed silent behind him

" This is a life of a student, of a thirteen year old girl, if she goes back to that house they will hurt her, they will kick her into dust" he yelled startling the girl in his arms. She groaned quietly and tried to move but Sirius had his arms around her to tight. Dumbledore picked up his wand and with a swish she was passed out again. "can't you go to the ministry? Get her Mothers rights removed?"

Dumbeldore stayed silent.

"Mr. Black, we can and will help her as long as she's on our grounds but when she steps a foot off them we no longer can help, she will have to make a desicion on her own."

"can't you hire someone to convince her? Or even just watch over her if she doesn't come with james?"

The two proffesors looked to each other thinking the same thing

"Proffesor scammander lives near, but Sirius my boy you are in a similar prediciment why don't you take your advice?" Sirius thought on it

"I can't leave Regulus alone with my Mother and Father"

"so you understand?"

"no sir, it's different"

"different how?" Dumbledore knew well how it was different but the boy had to hear himself say it to agree

"Regulus is someone I love, Regulus has never layed a hand on me. He is my little brother, he doesn't know how much i've protected him from I can't let him see the true horrors of our family, Druella is a blood thirsty maiac who doesn't care for her children and will most likely die from alcohol poisoning any day now, I can't let dorea come back to that house to be the one to find her mother dead just like her father."

"indeed, well Mr. black you have two choices, neither are easy, you can either convince her, or support her. Convincing her would make her very upset, because she is not in a right mind, though if you just stand there beside her she may choose wrong. Now how about we get her to the hospital wing to check on her head? Shall we?"


hi guys

hope you all like this one, it's not very good

please have a nice day/night


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