I Forgive You

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Heavy rain falls upon Amphibia as a wagon being pulled by a giant snail pushes forward through slippery mud and thick fog. Behind the snail sits a human covered in a large cloak with part of her face hardly made visible by the dimming light of the lantern caused by the rain with the fog just making things more difficult. But the woman driving wasn't worried for she knew the destination was close.

She then pulled the leather straps tied around the snail's harness hard to the right which caused it to let out a loud squeal before squirming in the driver's direction into a dark passageway leading into the woods.

Upon entering, the amount of rainfall decreased almost immediately thanks to the trees looming over blocking the raging weather above.

The woman looked up ahead, squinting her eyes and trying to peer past the fog to find what she's looking for. She eventually notices a dim light up ahead which lets her know that she's close.

When the wagon got close enough; the woman pulled the straps toward her chest to slow the snail down until it stopped in place. She then knocked on the roof of the cart before jumping down onto the mud which caused it to splash around.

Suddenly, the door to the cart opened up to reveal an adult humanoid pink frog who was also wearing a cloak to shield away the rain.

"Is this the place?" the frog asked in a deep male voice.

The woman held a lantern out in front of her which revealed an old cabin with a very weak illumination of light shining from inside.

"Yes." she replied gruffly as her legs started to walk towards the small cabin with the frog following along.

"So this is where he's been hiding all of these years? Coward. I can't wait to make him pay for everything he has done!" The frog threatened, but the woman stayed silent.

It wasn't long before the two made it to the front door. The frog cracked his neck and grit his teeth. "Let's put his head on a pike." he grumbled as he attempted to open the door only to be stopped by the woman's arm over his chest.

"No." The woman said in a hushed voice.

The frog looked up at her in shock. "What do you mean 'No'?"

"Sprig," the woman began. "You've played your part in all of this. You helped me find him after all these years."

Sprig pulled off the hood of his cloak to reveal how much he has grown. His orange hair is longer than what it was at the age of ten and is baring a noticeable scar going down his left cheek. "And I should be here to end it. Grime needs to suffer!" he growled.

The woman got down on one knee and placed a gentle hand on Sprig's shoulder. Despite being an adult, Sprig still lacked height like all other frogs.

"Sprig... Grime is my responsibility. My burden, so I'm the one who should finish this. You've gone through too much and deserve to live happily, unlike me."

Sprig shook his head. "No, don't say that. You've changed a lot! You're a good person."

The woman chuckled. "If I was a good person long ago then both of my friends would still be alive right now."

Sprig held the woman's hand tightly. "I'm not gonna leave you now. You need someone with you..."

The woman smiled. "It's best if you go back to Wartwood. You have a wife and a tadpole at home who misses you dearly. This'll be the last you see of me after all."

Sprig looked at the door. "Are you sure that the calamity box is in there too?" he asked.

"I'm sure of it," the woman replied. "After the tragedy in Newtopia, I haven't seen it since. So I suspected Grime must've took it before disappearing."

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