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Yoongi paced back and forth, anxiously twirling his fingers.

"Hyung your sweating profusely right now." Namjoon said as Jin laughed his eyes following the pacing man.

"What is it funny that I'm about to have a heart attack?" Yoongi asked stopping to turn to his friend who's lips were now pursed closed.

"That's what i thought!" He scoffed looking down at his watch.

"He should be here any minute, I'll meet you guys in Busan later tonight." Yoongi said ushering his friends off before entering the small restaurant.

The first day Jimin visited Seoul, Yoongi treated him to dinner at this place. They loved it so much that they ended up ordering it quite a lot, but because of busy schedules that hadn't ate inside there since that day just a few years ago.

"Hi I have a reservation for a private room." The woman nodded opening the book.

"Name?" She asked looking up to the man. He looked pale, his face a bit sweaty, and his lip was trapped in between his teeth as he bit on it anxiously.

"Uh Min Yoongi." He said turning around to see Jimin quickly enter the restaurant.

"I'm sorry I'm late babe." Jimin said placing a quick kiss on his cheek as his fixed up his messy outfit.

"It's okay, I just got here." Jimin smiled gently looking to the woman who collected the menus.

"Follow me please" the woman said as Jimin reached out grabbing Yoongis clammy hand. Jimin wanted to say something but chooses to wait until their alone.

"Can I start you off with any drinks?" She asked with a small smile.

"Uh yeah just a Ice water." Yoongi said sitting down in front of Jimin.

"Of course and anything for you?" Jimin nodded squeezing Yoongis hand gently.

"I'll just have a ice water for now too." The women nodded placing down the utensils and menus, then taking her leave.

"Are you okay Yoonie?" Jiminie asked with concern all over his face, Yoongi nodded clearing his throat a bit.

"How was work?" Jimin asked gently stroking his hand, Yoongi nodded with a smile. The truth was he didn't even go to work today, or yesterday... or the whole week.

"Does that mean it was good?" Jimin asked with a puzzled expression, Yoongi nodded squeezing his hand a bit.

"Yes nugget, how was your day?" Jimin scoffed at the nickname.

"Your not back to that nickname again are you?" Yoongi let a laugh rolling his eyes.

"I just can't help it I mean look at you." He cooed gently stroking his boyfriend chubby cheek.

"My day was good, Taehyung and I were partners on a few shoots today." Jimin said with a tiny smile.

"He better not be trying to steal my boyfriend." Yoongi scowled crossing his arms against his chest sternly.

"As if, he has Jungkook and plus he's a bottom. I like men who will let me have a little gift IN return." Jimin smirked as Yoongi eyes widened.

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