"omg, will" a fan said, we were basically bomb bardged by fangirls

"Run" I said as I took off running with y/n at my heel "Keep running until a block before the house then turn right and around the block" we were sprinting a this point, the fan girl slowly trailling farther and farther behind.  We got to the house before the fans came around the corner.  We ran in and slammed the door and locked it before falling of the floor

"Holy Fuck" she said "that was terrifying"

Y/n P.O.V

"Holy Fuck that was terrifying" I said

"Is it kinda hot in here?" Will asked absent mindly as he took off his shirt revealing his toned abs, I blushed then looked away, Will was kinda hot 
"Will, put your shirt back on" I yelled at him throwing his hoodie at his face

I walked over to the living room and put Seaspiracy (A documentary on netflix) and sat down on the couch.  Will walked in the room "A documentary? Boring" He laughed sitting down next to me, he put his arms around me and I cuddled into his chest "It's for school, we're suppose to watch it and answer questions or something" Will rolled his eyes "Why don't you just drop out and get homeschooled or something" Will suggested "Since you'll be missing alot of school after this" 

"My parents want me to finish school and get a good diploma or something" I said snugging closer to him, smelling his cologne, We continued watching the documentary until it's finished, it's was 4 pm

"So...this is me taking the first step to our relationship but do you want to go on a date with me?" he asked

"Yes!" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Guess what" He said

"what" I asked

"I'm getting my drivers licences test next week which means i'll be able to drive us around" Will smiled "But for now go get dressed, i'm bringing you to a semi nice resturant, you don't need to wear a dress or anything, just like jeans and a sweat shirt should be fine"

I ran upstairs to change 

I ran upstairs to change 

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Until the End | William Franklyn MillerWhere stories live. Discover now