Chapter 1: The Disappearance

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(A/N: First chapter! Hope ya'll enjoy!)

(My POV)

I was walking through town leisurely, having gotten my second shot (this is set like 4 weeks ahead of when I'm writing this) a couple weeks ago, now having its full effect. I had Pokemon GO up on my phone, and was doing some raids with some friends of mine, prominently Yveltal.

And guess what. An Ultra Wormhole opened up after my second Yveltal catch. It was below me, so I fell through it, blacking out when I hit the ground.

I woke up somewhere I didn't recognize at first. But then I recognized the place of the creators of Sayu. And then I realized where I was. 




(Sayu POV)

I wandered around Vinyl City. Its lights shining ever so brightly thanks to the combined power of all genres. Rock, EDM, classical, whatever. I was a singer.

As I was walking back home, I spotted someone seemingly worried for himself. So I walked over. "Hey, you alright?" I asked.

He slowly looked up from his moping, and shook his head. "You won't believe this, but I'm from another world..." I gasped. "Wait, really!?"

The boy nodded. Knowing he must be homesick, I asked, "Names before anything. My name's Sayu, the digital idol and awesome singer!"

He nodded. "I know. There's a game named after NSR in my world, around Mayday and Zuke's journey. Name's Josh, a gamer and a guy with a passion for singing myself."

"Well, better get some more intros going..." I said.

"Yeah," Josh agreed.

(My POV)

After the intros with everyone were done, I decided I should maybe at least TRY to get back to my world. But I had no idea how I was gonna do it, so I asked Neon J if he knew how to make a portal device. "Yeah, I can make one of those," he replied. "I figure getting you back to your world takes priority." I nodded. Sayu put a hand on my shoulder. "I know being homesick sucks, but maybe the high energy I'm programmed with can help you feel a bit better!" Another nod from me as I smiled. 

"Guess we know who's taking care of ya," Zuke said, smiling.

I nodded, as Sayu and I looked at each other with smiles on our faces.



And thus ends the first chapter, and the lore behind one of my anon headcanons revealed! What did you guys think? And let me know if you have any requests in PMs, but I'm limiting it to "slice of life" chapters. 

That said, I'll see ya'll in the next one!

(421 words)

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