Part 12 Moonstone*

Start from the beginning

"Why? Even if someone wanted to attack us, Marilou would knock him out. She is a taekwondo champion," Rallia replied.

"I don't know exactly what you do in Greece but here is Turkey and it's not nice for women to go around alone at such a time," Cem shouted sternly.

Emy put her hands on her waist and looked at him.
"And I have to live with this backward man?" Said Emy jokingly.

"what I was thinking and I agreed to marry him?"

"35% of the shares is a big lure," he replied ironically.
Emy blushed with anger ..

"Ai sichtir** Cem" She shouted furiously and entered the house.
Marilou and Rallia followed her anxiously.

Esra looked at her brother in frustration, crossing her arms.
"Well done, nice behavior .."
Cem didn't answer, just pursed his lips.
"Brother, you overdid it .. You insulted the girl ..."  Kerem comented.
"Are you happy now? Not only you insult her but you destroyed our night" Esra added and left them.

Kerem turned and looked at Cem.
"Go and apologize immediately," he told him.

Cem ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.
"From the moment I met this woman, I beg her to listen to me or to forgive me ...Me!!I have never asked anyone."

"It's time someone to shake you from the cane you rode," Kerem replied with a laugh.

Cem drank his drink and entered the house to apologize to Emy.


Emy fell  in  her bed and covered her face with her fists. This time she was so upset that she did not even let her cousins ​​stay to support her.
It was from those moments that she didn't want to see or hear anyone until her nerves calmed down.

She heard someone knock on her door and got up abruptly and sat on the bed.
"I told you I wanted to be alone ?" She shouted angrily.

"Emy .. It's  me Cem .. Please let me in, I want to talk to you .." Cem 's voice was heard on the other side of the door.

"I  don't t want to see or hear anyone especially  you" she squealed.

"You' re absolutely right but please let me talk to you .. " He begged.

Emy let out a sigh of relief, got up and opened the door.

He walked into the room and Emy closed the door and stood with her arms crossed in front of him .
"I hear you .. What do you want to tell me?"
Cem rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"I know I misbehaved out there and insulted you. I sincerely apologize." He answered and waited for her reaction.
She looked at him expressionless and stay silent for seconds.

"Why Cem? Why? Every time you treat me disparagingly and then you apologize.
Why should I forgive you? "
She replied disappointed.

Cem approached her timidly.

"Emy, you're right. But come to my place. I'm under a lot of pressure, with the marriage, the company.. everything   has happened so fast 
and i don't know how to react." He tried to justify himself.

"come to your place?" She laughed ironically.
"Have you ever thought of someone  else expect yourself?" She asked.

Cem went to answer her but Emy interrupted him.

"I left my country, my family, my friends to help you .. And i also feel pressed Cem, and even more  than you. I'm not helping you to get my share.
Cem, as much as you may not believe it, I care this business that our families built with so much effort. My family lost everything. But we rebuilt our lives from scratch. And now again if we ever  lose everything we'll work hard .. I have learned to live in poverty, I fought to reach this level of life. But you and your family  i don't think you can survive.  I don't say it disparagingly. I say that because you have never experienced poverty and it is very difficult to cope with such a situation. I think of you and your family and those who work in the company. Something you never  do. "
She ended up  sitting on the bed.

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