🔗🥳Action/Adventure Winners🔗🥳

Start from the beginning

🥉Third Place Winner🥉

Ronin HayleyLHeureux

🏅Honourable Mention🏅

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🏅Honourable Mention🏅

The Slow Loris emmah_rose_

The Slow Loris emmah_rose_

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Other scores and reviews

Books judged by hottearsoncoldnights

The Fate's Chosen by authorcat14

Title: 9/10

Cover: 9/10

Blurb: 9/10

Grammar and Vocabulary: 20/20

Writing: 20/20

Plot: 9.5/10

Originality: 9.5/10

Overall enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 96/100

Hello :) your book is really good, really interesting-the darkness, the setting, the way you tell the story, everything about it. The very beginning got me hooked. Your writing is awesome! That's all, I'm out of words

Hunting for Honey by leelabellabooks

Title: 8/10

Cover: 9/10

Blurb: 9/10

Grammar and Vocabulary: 17/20

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