Puppy Love

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     It's been approximately 72 hours since I became Mrs. Ella Warner. If Aaron and I were a normal couple, living a normal life, we'd be off on our honeymoon right now. But seeing as the state of our world is what it is, our honeymoon consists of Aaron and I in bed all day.

     Everyone seems to have an unspoken social contract not to bother us for the next week. And there's an understanding that doing so would be putting your life in your hands. While I normally wouldn't agree with such violent ideas, this time I just might make an exception because I happen to really really like my makeshift honeymoon.

     Peace and quiet... and the not so quiet. Just me and Aaron in each other's arms for the past 3 days and the promise of eternity.

     The sun is high in the sky now. I  slept late, and he's still sleeping, which is no surprise after how late we were up last night. The rays have crept their way through the curtains and scattered patterns from the blinds onto the floor below.

     My head is resting on Aaron's shoulder, with his arm wrapped around my body. My eyes follow my finger as I trace the lines on his bare chest, his pecs, his abs. Though my touch is light, he slowly wakes from the repetitive motion.

     "Good morning, love." He says. He takes my finger from his chest and brings it up to his lips for a kiss.

     I let out a shameful little giggle, "Good morning, hubby."

    "Hubby, hm? Is that what we're going with?" He wraps his arms around me and pulls me tighter against his body. I wrap my leg around one of his.

     "I was just testing it out. But if you don't like it..."

     "Anything sounds exquisite coming out of your mouth, love." He moves his arm to above my shoulder and shifts his body with it so that his upper half is now on top of mine and he's supporting himself on his elbows, staring into my face lying between them. Taking a strand of my hair and wrapping it between his fingers. I take the opportunity to stare back at his emerald green eyes, bright and piercing, and then gone as he closes his eyes and bridges the small gap between our lips.

     The kiss is as soft as the morning light caressing his skin, but it grows deeper as Aaron explores my slowly parting lips with his own. My body betrays me and I let out a quiet moan, and Aaron pulls back to look at me again.

"And I especially like the sound of that coming from your mouth," he says with a wicked grin.

     I sit up quickly as my face flushes, as red as the roses in my bridal bouquet from just days ago. His grin breaks into a full on smile. He loves knowing that he does this to me. He pushes himself off of his elbows and sits up next to me, taking my warm cheek in his hand.

And that's when it happens.

The doorbell rings

and I know someone is going to die today.

     Aaron continues to stare at me so intently, I wonder if maybe I'm hearing things. But then I hear another knock.

     "Hey, I'm really sorry, but I just need to quickly talk to you about something." Kenji.

Aaron rolls away from me, slowly. Crosses the room stealthily, like a lion sneaking up on its prey. Stops only once to bend over, pick up my pajama pants off the floor and toss them backwards to me.

Well, Kenji, it was nice knowing you.
     But then the rational part of my mind chimes in and says that I can't let my husband of 3 days kill my best friend of 8 months, and I'm yanking on my pajama pants and racing to the door, beating out Aaron at the last moment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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