Chapter 1

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"Adrian... There's a dog." Nathan whispered beside me.

The two of us were currently moving into our new 'home' before school began. We are currently moving into a place where parents send their kids who aren't straight. I still remember the look on my mother's face when I told her. She couldn't bear to look at me again after that, she was going to make me come here alone but Nathan refused. He made his mother, who was completely fine with her son being gay, bring us both here to stay. She told us that the man who she spoke to on the phone probably thought she was insane.

Nathan Field. My best friend since we were very young. We met at a park near our houses when we were five and haven't left each others sides ever since. As he looked into the woods surrounding the house I looked into his emerald green eyes and asked, "Where?"

"Between those bushes." He angled my head so that I was looking at a husky, "Oh, there is."

"Do the thing!"

I laughed, "What 'thing'?"

"Approach it."

"Alright fine you big baby."

"I'm taller than you!" He in fact was taller than me at an impressive 6'2 while I stood at 5'11.

Before I approach the dog I give him my suitcases and say, "Yes you are."

Kneeling down in front of the dog I hesitantly put my hand out. To my surprise the husky looks at me with it's sky blue eyes and immediately let me pet it. Using my other hand I beckon Nathan to come over.

As he kneels down I take his hand gently and lead it to near the husky, "Let it sniff your hand first." Once again the dog immediately let Nathan pet it.

Then we heard Ms Field shout, "Nathan! Adrian!" We had probably been taking too long.

We began to move towards the house once again, the dog let out a whine.

Nathan patted his hand against his thigh and said, "Come on, boy. Come on."

To my surprise the husky followed us. Hesitantly at first but when I stroked it's head it seemed to get more confident. We walked out of the woods and picked up our suit cases.

When I turned towards the house I saw two men. The taller one with dark brown skin looked at us with a blank expression on his face while the other, a pale skinned man, smiled and began to walk over.

"Hello, welcome to Vinewood Manor! I'm Jeremiah! I prefer Jeremy though if you don't mind. Owen and I run this place."

Jeremy stood at a few inches shorter than me, 5'9 if I had to guess. He reached out a hand to move his ginger hair out of his eyes before offering us a hand to shake.

Just as I was about to introduce myself Nathan said, "Something's wrong with Storm."

"Storm? Did you bring your dog?"

As I inspected 'Storm' Nathan responded, "Nope, we found him in the woods over there!"

I felt the newly named dog's stomach and began to laugh. The two looked at me and Nathan asked, "Adrian, why are you laughing?"

"He's pregnant."

This caused Jeremy to laugh, "May I see?"

"Of course." I respond before going to stand beside Nathan. We watch Jeremy inspect Storm before he nods. I was right then, "So are you changing her name?"

"Nope! Her grey fur reminds me of our stormy nights."

"Fair enough." I say before offering Jeremy my hand, "Apologies, Nathan typically gets us in odd situations."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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