Aiden at the House of the Sun

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Hi there I see you decided to read my story now, haven't you? Well, thank you very much. This is in Aiden's POV while in the House of the Sun. I haven't seen anyone do this yet so I decided to try. I hope you guys enjoy it! (I've said it once and I'll say it again please excuse my writing, it's not the best but it's a start and I hope to get better) 

*I forgot to mention this when I first published it, but this has spoilers for COG*

"Perhaps we might put it to the children to decide" mused Chhaya. At this point I was as confused as the other potatoes; what did these goddesses even want with them? All they wanted was for Kara to be woken, was that too much to ask for?

I could see the Pandavas out of the corner of my eye, they were trying to bargain with the goddesses and avoid the question but to no avail, it was put to a vote. Now you see, while I was just standing there like a dummy processing the situation the rest of the potatoes quickly gave their votes. Next thing I know, both goddesses turn to me," And what about you who are not a demigod, but whose veins nonetheless run with starlight. Do you find me the most beautiful one? I could restore your lovely little friend and I could give you more power" Saranyu coaxed. Cue the internal screaming.

Now you may ask, what's the problem with that Aiden? Well, I'll tell you what, in fact, I'll even show you a list : 

1) I am very indecisive (ask literally anyone who knows me)

2) I dislike choosing between people (cause of my, um parents)

3) I was the tiebreaker and right now both options were unfavorable and will probably get us all killed.

So in conclusion, yes, I was freaking out. I hoped it didn't show but I could feel my face burning, and when I tried to say something I was a stuttering mess. I could practically hear the rest of the potatoes resigning to their doom. The Pandavas were probably talking about me doing something stupid through their mind links (undoubtedly). That thought brought me back to reality, my friends were counting on me,(okay so maybe they aren't, but the fate of the world would depend on my vote) and I would not let them down.

 I took a deep breath and concentrated; what would Aru do in my shoes, stuck between choosing none and both? I needed to go to Lanka and restore Kara and at the same time not offend the goddesses, but I can't just choose both could I? That's when it struck me, I didn't need to choose a goddess I needed to choose an option, and I choose both. (I realise that sounds vague and conceited but let me have my moment, also before I go on, I've got to admit Shah was rubbing off on me... dunno if that's a good thing.)

"My mom always said not to compare two women, but I have to say that the goddess who shows us mercy by letting us go and waking up Kara would be the more beautiful one to me" I concluded. As I said this I turned to Aru (who was looking at me at the time) and held her gaze saying a silent thank you.

That's all for now. I'll probably post a follow-up next week on the prophecy that Aiden got. Until then goodbye. (The chapter is a bit short but well that's all I have the patience for, and I might have mentioned this before but I'm quite lazy so that's all you all get from me)

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