Worst Day to be a Janitor (Part 1?)

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"Kenneth!" I heard a stern, raspy voice yell from behind me. "Kenneth, hey Kenneth!"

I turned around to see the large, tough figure that I knew to be Frank. He had a cigar in his mouth and he wore a certainly upset expression.

"Kid!" He marched up to me. "You were supposed to have cleaned the USS Arizona today!"

Ah, man!

I totally forgot that I was supposed to clean three decks of the Arizona today. It was the biggest job I had this week! How could I have forgotten?

It was probably because it was the hardest of my jobs this week. I tend to put off the things that are the hardest, so I can get those easy jobs done.

Why was it so hard, you may ask? Well, I'll tell you why it is so hard. It's hard because I have to clean up an entire 3 decks on the USS Arizona! Now, it would have been much easier, if it was just mopping or sweeping like normal. However, this time, I was to spray, dust, mop, sweep, and more! Now, if that isn't labeled as, "hard," then I don't know what is.

I had been forgetting a lot of my jobs, recently. Maybe it was the stress of trying to read (and understand) my books and do all of these cleaning assignments back-to-back.

But, the main reason was probably because I hated this job. I hated this job so, very much. I mean, imagine going around the base of Pearl Harbor everyday, cleaning up everyone's messes. Yeah, it is a literal nightmare. There are more messes everyday in Pearl Harbor than you think.

"Wow, I didn't know that there was a clean-up crew in Pearl Harbor!"

"You guys must keep busy, don't you?"

"Wow! Must be a cool job!"

These are all things that people have said to me when I mention my job. I'll answer them in order:

Number one, yes, there are janitors in Pearl Harbor. Crazy, right? When you think of Pearl Harbor, you often think of the Navy, battleships, and the Marines. You never think of the clean-up guys running around and cleaning up everyone's messes.

Number two, of course we keep busy! Do you see how busy these diner and school janitors are? Yeah, pretty busy! That's just with a small school or diner. Now, picture that size, times like, 1,000.

Yeah, I know. Huge. What makes it a bit better though, is that we have an entire team, so no one is really "overwhelmed" with work. Still, it's pretty stressful. It's a good workout, though!

Finally, number three:

It's not really what I'd call, "cool."

Yeah, alright. It's cool to go in and see all the awesome battleships, but as I mentioned before, it's a literal nightmare. Or, maybe just to me? I'm not even sure anymore.

This was never my first option in the first place. Heck, I'd be a newspaper boy before I was a janitor for Pearl Harbor! Yet, unfortunately, this was really my only option. How, you may ask? Well, when I was a young boy, I'd always get into all KINDS of trouble. I'd sneak out of the house with my friends, and do illegal things, like vandalism. One time, I was caught by the police, and as you could expect, I was locked up in juvy. I was in here for quite a while, since my friends told the authorities about every single thing I had done for a little extra cash (they excluded themselves, of course.) As you could imagine, it was pretty hard to find a job after this. Every single place turned me down, that is, until my godfather Frank asked if I'd like a job as a janitor at Pearl Harbor.

I excitedly accepted! After all, this was a military base we're talking about! I was going to get to work at a military base!

However, after about a week at the base, I realized just how awful this job was.

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