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There is an accordion. As we sit there, we breathe. We expand and then we contract. Love flows through and it plays a song, a song of joy and pain. A song of healing that brings us together. It brings us closer. It makes us, us.

We are an accordion. We play a song of Christ. Everyone can see it. They can see His love. They can see His power. They can see the way he works through our lives. The way He works through theirs.

We are an accordion. We sing a song of forgiveness. We all forgive each other, as we do wrongs and as we annoy. However, no matter what we, will always forgive and become united as one.

We are an accordion. We sing a song of love. We love each other and it makes us strong. It makes happy and it makes us one. We love God and His power runs through our veins. It surges through, bringing us up and into the truth.

We are an accordion. We sing a song of grace. It shows through our life how we were saved with mercy and by faith. It is amazing and wonderful too. God's amazing power shines through.

We are an accordion. We sing a song of comfort. How we circle together and hug through the troubles. We hold each other up and clear the waters.

We are an accordion that is sings a song of joy. We walk through the doors and smile. We uplift each other's spirits as we sing songs to God. As we pray for each other and forgive every wrong.

We are an accordion. We sing a song of pain, a sorrow of guilt, a sorrow for those who hurt. It breaks our hearts to see the world and the trouble it caused.

We are an accordion. We sing a song of healing. We help each other see God and let Him mend our hearts. He heals of the pain sin has caused.

We are an accordion. We sing the song of power, power through Christ, power through each other. We help each other to remember, that with God, all things are possible. We remind each other of good we better be doing. We remind each other of the strength of Christ.

We are an accordion sing the song of God. We expand and contract. Forgiveness, love, grace, comfort, joy, sorrow, healing, and power are the song that we sing. It brings us together. It brings us closer. It makes us, us.


Heyguys! Thanksforreadingthis! Pleasegiveastarifyouliked thisandleavessome comments too :)

IbasedthisoffmyYouthGroup. Itperfectdescribesus, wellinmyopinionanyways.

Thanksagainguys :D

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