Chapter One

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Chapter One

                Day #1


                                                                 Violet's P.O.V

"Really?" Amber asked, I just nodded my head

"Are you sure?" She questioned for the fifth time.

"I already told you I'm not sure, learn to listen Amber Rose!" I told her, I only called that for dramatic affect but I had become quite fond of the name as I had a similar one, it made me feel closer to her

"Violet Lilly I told you not to call me that," She sighed happily annoyed "I mean really though, he's not even that cute" she wined. I rolled my eyes and continued to draw a heart in the creme of the espresso

"You are an insane twat Violet Lilly"

"Your insane twat Amber Rose" I said in a sing songy voice and hugged her tightly 

"Rose! Lilly! Back to work" Our boss shouted at us from the kitchen. I stuck my tongue out at him and began carrying the coffee to the mysterious man with the dark brown fringe, black t-shirt with tight black skinny jeans. I was swooning.

"Babe, quite drooling and give him the coffee" Amber encouraged

"Um, Daniel?" I called out 

"You can call me Dan sweetie" he winked at me

"Oh, uh, here you go Dan, Espresso extra creme" I say, nervously avoiding eye contact

"If I had known you were making it I wouldn't have ordered extra creme, I'm sure it's sweet enough now that you've made it" By this time I was blushing like mad. Dan took his cup of coffee and handed me a small piece of paper along with five dollars, on the paper was his number scribbled with a winky face that I would be indubitably be calling later.

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