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Sana was busy keeping her eyes On Y/N, training all those new guys. "well honestly,  Y/N is a great guy...why would his ex wife leave him just because he lose his job? " Jihyo said as she sips her drink

Sana avert her eyes to Y/N who is sweating and alot faster than the new boys, "its easy, his ex wife just wanted money to have easy life" Jihyo clench her teeth,  "that bitch... i would kill her if i know her" Sana just shrugged.

"but Boss, dont you wanna be with Y/N? he seems like he did care about you most of the time" Jihyo said as she put her chin on her palm. "he did that because he's my slave and need to take care of me, jihyo" Sana look at Jihyo furiously as she doesnt want herself to get funny ideas from Jihyo.

"what if one day, things go wrong, how do you feel? " Jihyo ask a hard question to answer. " If i were to be gone, im sure he will wash his hands,  he was a Police officer before this, so i doubt that he would actually take over this group"

"thats sad.. " Jihyo sigh as she went away.  Sana sigh as she continue to watch over Y/N and worry about it.

few minutes later,  she hear some groans, she went to the two guys who is still holding onto the same position. "sit down, cut some slack. i'll let you cool down" Sana said as the guys slowly sit down whilst in pain,  "t-thank you boss!"

"ive got a question" Sana sits infront of the guys, "what if one day,  things go wrong, and i was the one died, would you still serve the group as it is? "

"YES BOSS!  ANYTHING FOR YOU SINCE YOU SAVED US! " Changbin said. "but what if Y/N didnt lead the group and wash his hands, how would you feel ,boss? " Felix ask.

"naturally, being born and to serve as a mafia leader, i would be disappointed but i understand that he wouldnt want to continue since he was once a police officer. " Sana bitterly smile.

Sana avert back her eyes to the guy and smiles,  "since ive cut you some slack,  once Y/N's near, so some jumping jacks" Sana said as she walk to her room,  feeling gloomy. Changbin and Felix stood up and bow Sana to thank her and immediately so Jumping jacks eventhough Y/N is still a little far away.


Sana,  have you gotten some mans in your group?

i have a few mans now,-- otou-san.thanks to my slave

thats good but i will send some mans in case you are still short of mans.

t-thats fine otou-san. m-my slave-- done some training for the new guys. hes a good one. ive caught a good catch.

no excuses!  tomorrow, night,  they will be there.

otou-san! -

*hangs up*

'great.. i cant let them or my dad know that Y/N is a ex police officer!  it would be a big mess is it happens'

"Sana!  Minatozaki Sana sama! " Y/N called her out with her full name. "y-yes? " "time for you to get ready"

"w-what occasion? " Sana bit her lips in nervousness. "to have sex" Y/N said with his dumb face,  "of course some martial arts!  the whole squad waiting for you" Y/N said while Sana release some big breath out. "i'll be waiting" Y/N said as he walk out the room.

Sana quickly change her attire to a proper one and went to the room where everyone is gathering. "you guys partner with each other,  sana you stay beside me"

Y/N start his training and proceed to let them practice on each other. as for Sana, he knows Sana practices some so he didnt go easy for her. They both were busy whacking each other and flipping each other. intense, indeed. Y/N smirk as he know Sana can defend herself if Y/N isnt around. "im proud of you,  Sana-sama"

Those words truly touched her heart since her father dont use those words but to scold her everyday and punish her. The moment Sana snap into reality,  shes on the groundㅡwell not exactly on the floor but shes on Y/N's arm. "good practice for today, Sana-Sama" Y/N said as he pull Sana up and pat her back.

"Now for the rest of you guys, dont cheer for us, continue practicing. once i think you're good,  you are going to practice on a punching bag or a wooden dummy then proceed to practice on me" Y/N smiles in satisfaction.

'now where did he get the punching bag and wooden dummy?' Sana whisper.

Sana shrugged and went off to cool down and bath. On the other hand,  Y/N ask the people to cool down and bath later,  thats for today's training. "we are going to do some hand practices,  how fast those hands can punch?  i wont be doing legs since you guys had done that long run/jog. Thats all for today. good job guys. today will be chicken" The boys cheers to the key word for dinner today.

Y/N crack his bones as he enter the bathroom. "Sana-sama.. " He enter the tub as Sana look at him. "you look gloomy and you aren't paying attention much,  are you okay? did someone mess with you? need me to bust them open? "

Sana lightly chuckle, "ah no no.. theres no one to bust you sounded a little like a thug" Sana smile and closes her eyes, letting her mind cool down in the steam. Sana took a breather and begin talking again,  "tomorrow. tomorrow my dad's man will join the group. we should never let them know your background. it will bring us to grave danger"

"new mans?  from you dad? " Y/N ask again to confirm what he is hearing. "yes. new mans" Sana say it again before she enjoy her bathing time. 

'new man? and i cant expose my background to them? ' Y/N sigh as new burden came in. Sana suddenly hugged him and hid her face on his chest. "why.. why are you hugging me out of sudden? "Y/N look down to Sana. "let me just hug you this once, in case anything happen and stuff.. " Sana said as she kept quiet.

Y/N couldnt do anything except patting her head and back to comfort her.

everything will be fine. it must be fine. its a must.

Ms Mafia (Sana x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن