Story #1 - Lie to Me

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*A/N. Anything that's bolded are either my spelling words or language techniques, I had to identify them for my English teacher.*

*Please listen to 'Lie to Me' by 5 Seconds of Summer, as this song helped inspire this piece. Also, this is a true story, from my own personal experience with someone.*

I saw you looking brand new overnight, and I remember that next day so clearly that it stained my tattered mind in bleach. The expression on your face replaying like a broken record in my disorientated, messed up head. You seemed happy, happier than ever. I was jealous, jealous as ever. How could you be so damn positive after what happened. You lost me, your best friend, the person who stuck by your side through thick and thin. I was your everything, and you threw me in the trash like a worthless item from your childhood that you had so many memories with. You were laughing with someone else, someone who is my friend. Your perfect smile pierced into my soul and made me so bitter. But then I realised... maybe I wasn't your everything anymore?

I remember the night you first told me you loved me. My heart was doing the tango, and I was ecstatic. I was laying on my trampoline, the stars shining down brightly, speaking to me. It was almost like they were warning me about the euphoric feeling of adrenaline you were about to give me. You know you made me cry? I was in awe, no one had ever announced to me that they loved me before. No one, no one, no one. Well, of course my family has but that's just human nature. I went to bed optimistic about the future. Our future. My young heart thought we'd live happily ever after like Cinderella and Prince Charming, but instead it turned into something tragic.

Do you remember the late night calls? Because I do, I remember everyday, I remember thinking that I got this right. Staying up till three in the morning just to talk to you. Now when it's three in the morning, the moonlight's testing me. All of that seems like a whimsical fantasy now. There's something else that seems even more whimsical than those late night calls, and that would be that one message you sent to me. And you know exactly what I'm talking about. The one where you said,

'We can take our time and lay back a bit.' That's what I did, I layed back, I switched into airplane mode and kept it lowkey. But you, you had some nerve to tear my world apart. You left me there to burn, you killed me. I was no longer the jovial human being you met, I became someone who was so caught up in an aura of sorrow that made me not the lighthearted, sanguine person you first met. Because I was not okay, and still to this day, present day, present time, I'm still not okay.

Sometimes I wish we never met, 'cause you're too hard to forget. And having you in my class is making it a million times harder. Sometimes I glance over in your direction and I catch you looking at me. When you do, it gives me butterflies and I can't concentrate properly, but there's also a strong feeling of contentment. But I know I'll never meet your expectations, because the picture that you paint of me looks better in your mind. But did you know you stole the love that I saved for myself, and I watched you give it to someone else?  But also I could still be the only one you need, and I could still be that place where you run, instead of the one you're running from. I really am making up stupid excuses to justify a relationship that was as toxic as pernicious poison, aren't I? But I'm a mess without you, but are you a mess without me? That question floats around my mind like a cloud wandering the sky, doing its daily errands. Because you seem to be quite exuberant with my dear friend. But it genuinely feels like sometimes you still love me, and that makes me hopeful. But deep down I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me, I hope you lie to me.

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