where it all started

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*Texting on the cousins group* Hannah: guys so me and Lola were talking and we were thinking about having a sleepover on Friday are you guys down?" Lola: " yea we can have a little movie night walk to the supermarket and get some snacks and stay up late it'll be fun Brandon: " sure im down i'll ask my dad and i'll see if Ryan wants to come too" Finn: " im down too Lola ask mom" ( Lola Finn and Cora were siblings and Brandon and Ryan were siblings too) Brandon: " ok guys Ryan said he'll come and our parents said yes how about we meet at grandmas house at 2:00 pm?" Lola: "yep sure our parents said yes too Cora is also gonna come" Hannah: " okay perfect see you guys tomorrow" *NEXT DAY* Hannah and Lola: "Heyyyyyy guysssss" everyone else: "hey" *time skip to nighttime* Lola: "ok guys im gonna order the snacks you guys pick a movie"
Ryan: "ok guys we're gonna have to use Netflix so look at the movies while i scroll" Hannah: "O O GUYS LETS WATCH HORROR PLEASEEE" Brandon: "fine but as long as it doesn't have clowns cause that shit scares me" Finn: "fine but as long as it doesn't have annabelle in it" Hannah: " dude if it cant have clowns or annabelle what is it supposed to have u dumbasses idc we're watching something rly scary even if it has ClOwNs or aNnAbElLe" Ryan: "What about the conjuring" everyone: "ooooo yesss" Lola brought in the snacks turned the lights off and they all sat in-front of the TV. Hannah Brandon and Ryan were sitting on mattresses on the ground and Lola Finn and Cora sat on the couch. As the movie went along it got more scary. Ryan realized that Hannah was scared and at one part they all screamed. Ryan slowly put it hand on Hannah's without anyone noticing and Hannah instantly calmed down. Towards the end of the movie everyone started to fall asleep Ryan was the only one who was still awake. He saw Hannah sleeping next to him so he put her head on his chest and layed his head over hers. They were still holding hands. He put his blanket over her. and ran his fingers through her hair until he fell asleep.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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