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THE HEAVEN FAMILY was one of the richest and most powerful wizarding families in all of Great Britain. Their power was sought after by people like the Malfoys and Blacks, and dreamed about by others. It was rumored that they were direct descendants of Godric Gryffindor himself! Or was it Merlin?

The Heavens once consisted of four- Isaiah Heaven, Nadia Heaven, Asteria Heaven, and baby Stevie. But, when the youngest Heaven was merely one, Isaiah Heaven passed on.

Nadia never remarried, for she believed she would never love someone like she loved Isaiah. So, the woman was set on raising two daughters on her own. Asteria was six when Stevie was born, so it wasn't long before she was able to help. On her own will, of course. Nadia never asked Asteria to help raise Stevie.

The Heaven women had help from a neighbor- the Malfoys. Both families resided in the countryside of Wiltshire, the two manors not being far from each other. When Stevie was two, Narcissa Malfoy gave birth to a son, Draco.

Stevie did not attend a muggle pre-school, so the women introduced her to Draco and prayed for a friendship to bloom. And it did! Draco and Stevie, despite the slight age difference, became inseparable.

Now, a tradition on Isaiah's side of the family was to not tell the children they were magical until they received their school letters. Isaiah was gone, but Nadia still wanted to honor him by carrying on the tradition, even if it was the last year for it. So, Stevie did not know she was a witch until she was eleven. Surprisingly, the Malfoys respected this and did not use magic around Stevie, or anything related to magic.

Stevie Heaven's eleventh birthday was the best day of her life, and quite possibly the worst.

Let me break it down to you:

Stevie awoke, excited, on Wednesday, May 17, 1989 and prepared herself for school. She attended Amesbury Archer Primary School about half an hour from her home. The girl bounded quickly down the stairs and to the kitchen where her mother made a special birthday breakfast for her. Every year, her birthday breakfast was a traditional American breakfast. One year, the family had gone to visit the States for a reason Stevie could not remember, and she loved the breakfast she had there. So, her mother prepared a stack of pancakes, side of fresh fruit, and a glass of orange juice.

"How is my lovely birthday girl doing?" Nadia enveloped her daughter in a bear hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Hungry." Stevie smiled and sat down at her spot. Her older sister Asteria was supposed to leave a few days prior, but just had to stay for the big announcement.


Stevie's school day went by just fine. Her classes sung Happy Birthday to her multiple times. She didn't really have any other friends besides Draco, but the girl didn't mind. She preferred sticking to herself.

When she returned home after the long day, her mother bombarded her with questions like any mother, but insisted she sit in the den for an announcement before she went to her room.

"Alright, Mum, what do you have to tell me?" Stevie's face held a small smile. Maybe she was getting a puppy!

"Well, it's a big announcement. And very life-changing, but your sister and I are here for you and we can answer any questions you have."

"Okay, Mum, you're confusing me. Get to the point!" She giggled.

Nadia and Asteria shared a glance before Nadia inhaled.

"You're a witch, Stevie."

Well that's not what she was expecting.

"A witch? Like bibbity-boppity-boo?"

ONLY ANGEL; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now