Chapter 1

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(Understand before we start I already know the past of the Tsugikuni brothers and what they went through, I will be changing somethings for plot reasons though)

Saiko Hoshiko was in a happy family? she never really understood emotions not that she went through any trauma she just never understood them and its purpose. She was very confused but nonetheless she was always smiling because she understood that smiling meant she was happy and or content. 

the Hoshiko's didn't really live in poverty but they preferred to live on the outskirts of the near by town. There was only one person who knew of them and was a family friend.

Saiko had bright red hair, gold eyes, and pale skin. She was a true beauty in her family yet she didn't know it herself.

One day she was out in the forest that surround her. She was retrieving wood for the up coming winter. It was currently autumn

As the night fell Saiko decided that she needed to get back to her family. She 'hated' worrying them but one thing she 'hated' the most was being a burden and a disappointment. The night had came and Saiko was still wandering, she had a great sense of direction its just she had a gut feeling to walk instead of running.

Saiko felt a very eerie feeling.

---Saiko POV---

I couldn't place my finger on it what was it that i am feeling. How odd i feel sick? sad? there is a tingling feeling on my back. 

I can't explain it. it just, it's far too quite like the calm before the storm. I don't get it. Am I supposed to be scared? or am I supposed to feel Happy? I don't get it its making my head hurt.

"huh? oh" I looked down. I stopped walking. I wonder when? hmm that didn't seem right.

"I guess I should keep moving?" that didn't sound right either.

I as continue to walk I see my house in the clearing.  it was already midnight 

'I guess I was too far.' I thought.

---Third person POV---

There in front of her that the door to her house. She opened the shogi door and in front of her was such a horrid scene, a scene no 4 year old should see.

Saiko's eyes widen at the scene before her.

there for the first time. emotions. she felt a pure horrid emotion. Fear....

Blood was everywhere the bodies of her family were scattered. There limbs all over the house her sister eyes her gorged out. her parents ripped clothing scattered the floors and walls sticking o the blood. Saiko stepped to the side still looking at eh scene in front of her till she hit something she looked to the side and there her brother's head was swinging with a rope around his eyes.

She screamed and walked backwards she fell on an arm that belonged to one of the family members she tried to sit up but the blood caused her to slip and then she saw it on the ceiling. 

A very ugly creature. It's face was deformed teeth looked sharp as razors. it's eyes blood shot red it irises where big just looking at her.

"aww common girly what with that face." it spoke. even it voice was ugly.

"w-what are you?" Saiko whispered quietly.

"hmm wouldn't you like to know girly." it replied.

"you sad creature." Saiko whispered. she didn't know why she said that though.

Between the Sun and Moon (KNY)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz