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So, as you probably noticed when clicking onto this new chapter (for those reading this when it was first uploaded) that the story name and cover art is entirely different.  Well, recently I made the decision to try to do a little more of other ships than Lander to balance out this one-shot book, and I'm still sticking to decision, but I know me, and I know that because my brain naturally gives me more ideas for it, and I generally have more inspiration to write it, no matter what around 50% of the one-shots I write will still probably end up be Lander TwT  Because of that, I decided that my Lander one-shots should get their own book :)  Hence the sudden change.

Now, I could've just left this book as Phosphenes and uploaded the new Lander book, but I didn't want to leave all of my Lander one-shots with the non-Lander book, but I also didn't want lose all of the wonderful comments you guys left on those Lander one-shots, and since there were only three non-Lander one-shots in this book, I've decided to just delete them and transform this to the Lander book (I also took the opportunity to delete "That's Not Love" because that was a five-hundred word cringy angstball that was literally written as a joke).  Soon, I will get the new Phosphenes book uploaded, and with it I will add back "Lyrics" "Broken Library" and "Rainy Tuesdays" so if you liked those one-shots, don't worry, they're not gone forever :)

But yeah, that's all I have to say on this update.  I just really wanted things to be organized so this is how I've decided to do it :)  Hope you guys like the change too ^^

Myrtles and Marigolds | Lander One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz