Chapter 2

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Writers POV:

The men brought y/n back to the compound and into the meeting room to question what had happened earlier on.

"You wanna explain what happened before we got to you or do I have to put you in a cell for our own safety" The rich looking guy questions still with a serious look on his face

Y/n looks at them with worry written on her face trying to figure out if she could trust them enough to tell them or were they HYDRA who had just found her "How do I know I can trust you guys without knowing if you work for HYDRA?" She question the men in the room.

"How about we start with introducing ourselves to prove we won't hurt you" Long blonde hair guy says "My names Thor, Son of Odin, God of thunder" That's one long ass name y/n thinks to herself

"The names Barton, Clint Barton" Arrow guy smiles at her

"Bruce Banner AKA. Big Green Guy"

"And I'm Tony Stark the brains behind Stark Industries and The Avengers also know as a Billionaire, Entrepreneur and Playboy Philanthropist others might know me as Iron-Man" He says with a cocky smirk on his face.

Y/N's POV:

"Well it's nice to meet you guys probably would prefer it be on better terms" I laugh "I'm Y/N by the way and I promise I don't want any trouble with you" I say to them them

I explain what happened back at the Shawarma joint

"Okay now that that's cleared up How do you know who HYRDA is??" Bruce asks me

"Well I've spent most my life in a cell in a HYDRA base until one day it got attacked and I broke free" I tell them and they look at each other very confused and then back to me.

"Right so we've got a spare room here if you want to stay awhile till we figure out your whole story and find out what HYDRA did to you"  Tony smiles at me and shows me to my room "If you need anything don't hesitate to ask one of us or FRIDAY she can help with anything"

Tony leaves and I look around the room taking in my new living area "Wait who the hell is FRIDAY" I say out loud "That would be me I'm here to help with whatever you need" I jump at the sound of a voice but see nobody around it must be some sort of AI I think to myself

"Well I suppose this isn't to bad let's just hope it stays that way" I say before leaving to the kitchen to make dinner for us.

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