I finished the can quickly, then crushed it and threw it into the garbage can. I didn't feel anything yet. But I needed to get back out there I couldn't just be the creep in the bathroom.

I took a deep breath, and opened the door. I wanted to find her. But there was no use. I went over to the cooler again. Tory and Miguel were gone.

The rest of the team was still here. They started playing pong. Ass-Face was playing against Kyler. I tapped on his arm. "Next one" I said putting up my my index finger.

He nodded. He tossed the ball and it landed on the side of the cup but bounced out. "Fuck!" he shouted. "Yo, where's the rest of the drinks?" I asked him.

"They're all in the cooler" he told me. I looked to the side. I opened the blue cooler and grabbed a drink from it. Ass-Face tossed me a ball which I caught while I walked to the table. I aimed for a cup and tossed it lightly, it landed straight into a cup.

"Alright!" Miguel jeered loudly from behind me. "Nice one!" he then said, standing next to me now. "Bro where have you been?" I asked him while Kyler picked up the ball from the cup.

He smirked at me. "I was hooking up with Tory" he whispered to me. His voice got higher pitched each word.

I never understood why all the boys on the team liked to flex when they would hook up with girls who actually liked them.

Kyler passed me the ball and I caught it then tossed it again it bounced off the side of a cup and fell out.

Damn it. I thought. "Yo....shots?" I heard Miguel ask. "Hell yeah" I said. Miguel picked up a bottle of vodka and instantly began chugging it.

"Careful man!" I said pulling the bottle down from his lips. He was already drunk, he didn't need to be on the verge of alcohol poisoning. I took 2 shots after him.

I wanted to make a face but I held back from it, I hated alcohol. It tasted like shit. But I felt more drunk after that, so it was worth it. I took a longer sip of the vodka.

This made me feel the alcohol more, I wanted to get drunker now. I opened my drink from before and chugged some more of that.

I didn't eat anything today so I got drunk faster than I thought. But I felt good. Y/n crossed my mind quickly.

Where was she? I thought. Just thinking her name made me want her more. I need her. The desire was consuming me.

I looked through a few people. There were a few dancing in the middle. tried to see faces but I could only see the dark shadows and hair.

I tried to remember what she was wearing so I could have a better chance at finding her but I never looked at her clothes when I saw her. Just her making out with Robby.

I got bored and annoyed. I went on my phone and checked snap. I was looking at a few

I walked towards the middle where people were dancing. The music started to play throughout my entire head. I felt it vibrate throughout my body.

I felt so fucked up. But it felt amazing. As I reached the center but there was no sign of her. But there were so many other girls Suddenly a girl suddenly grabbed onto my arm and pulled me close.

I hoped it was Y/n but of course it wasn't. She tried to kiss me and I kissed back but not for long.

I didn't want to. I pushed away from her. "Sorry" I mumbled and walked away.

I was feeling dizzy. I stunbled into someone. "My bad" I said. I looked at who it was and of course it was her. She was beautiful.

"Eli...you-you why did you do that" she asked but it was more of a statement.
"Do what?" I asked her, she probably saw, but it was funny to make her mad.

"You kissed that girl" she said. "Now we're even" I told her, a smirk began to grow on my face.

She gave me a confused look.

"Don't play dumb. I saw you" I told her. She looked off to the side for a second. "I wanted it to be you" she then said.

"Then why'd you kiss him" I quickly retorted. "It was just the one time" she said back slowly.

"What? How many times have you got with that loser? So many. So many" I told her. I repeated the word in my head. So many. "Why was it always him?" I asked.

"Eli no it wasn't. You can't......... you can't just blame this whole thing on....on me" She said. She stepped back a bit nearly falling over on her head.

"Holy shit. Be careful Y/n" I told her while reaching my arms out and grabbing her before anything bad could happen. "Shut up! You are such an asshole!" she then yelled. I wasn't gonna take this.

"How could I be an asshole! I didn't even want to kiss that whore! I only did it to make you jealous!" I told her.

I was inches away from her. I breathed heavily as I stared into her eyes. Waiting for an answer.

She smacked me hard in the face. I turned to the side. You could hear the impact over the music.

Fuck she was strong. I held my hand over my face. I looked back at her. "What the- Before I could say anything she started to kiss me.

I wanted to kiss back but this wasn't right. She was so drunk. I couldn't do this to her. I pushed away from her.

I was about to say something but then I saw she already had red marks on her neck. Reminding me of Robby. I was instantly disgusted by her.

He kissed her before I did. You will always be second Eli. Always.

"I gotta go" I told her. She grabbed my arm.I carefully grabbed her arm and took it off of me.

Then turned around. She grabbed my arm again and turned me back around. She gave me a confused look.

"Why?" she asked in a strained voice.

"Because...I just can't do this again" I told her.

I couldn't bear to listen to the music for one more second. I didn't say bye to anyone. I just got out of there.

I went straight to my car. Pushed on the gas and sped home. I forced myself to keep my tears in. I need to stay tough.

I wanted her so bad, and I had her. I can't believe I almost forgot about Robby. Almost. But I don't think I ever will.

And as long as I don't. I won't be able to be with Y/n.

Pretty sure you've done enough princess. Where stories live. Discover now