Draco Sweet

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Draco couldn't wait for the transfiguration class to end. It seemed to go on and on, while he felt his genitals throbbing for the feel of her smooth, flawless skin... he couldn't take his mind off her. to Draco, she was perfect in every way.

When the class was finished, Draco practically sprinted out, whilst trying to successfully hide his growing erection he was sporting, and up the third floor staircase to his common room. When safely inside his dormitory, he lay down on his soft four poster bed, sighing of relief. He quickly and methodically undressed himself, subconsciously rubbing his erect nipples whilst doing so.

Finally, he brought his love out of his bag. He gave an involuntary moan as he gazed upon her azure and crimson skin, untainted and crisp. He rolled Apple across his lips, feeling the satisfaction of her comforting taste. Draco proceeded to rub her all over his naked body, groaning with pleasure as she caressed him with her monotonous, velvety outer. As she got to his cock, Draco couldn't help himself letting out a cry of intense pleasure as Apple rubbed over his sensitive parts. It felt so damn good. Draco and Apple climaxed together; Draco releasing a torrent of white cum, Apple dripping her own sweet juices. They became a mixture of sensual erotica and heat and pleasure. It was perfect.

Draco brought Apple back to his lips, closing his eyes with pure satisfaction. Finally.

'I love you, Apple. You're mine. I'm never letting you go, my sweet.'

With that, Apple muzzled into Draco's chest and together, they fell asleep, content.


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