Meeting old and new friends pt2

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Chloe walks away I felt my eyes glowing blue and I know Mari noticed it too let's hope Adrien and the others don't figure out.  " hey sis can I talk to you alone".  Mari said  " yes let's go some where private me and Mari are gonna come back we have to talk abt twins problem". I said  " oh ok girl hurry up tho". Alya said  me and Mari went walking some where away from the others " sis your eyes almost turned blue Adrien and the others could've saw it". Mari said  " Ik Mari let's just hope they didn't notice and Chloe was pissing me off so". I said  " yea ik she's a bitch let's head back to the others". Mari said I pulled her hand. " wait sis how's tikki". I said tikki comes out and waves " hi Y/N how's longg" tikki said longg gets out of my hoodie and hugs tikki. " tikki I missed u so much and I'm doing good hbu?". Longg said " I'm good I missed you too". The bell rings " oh shit we have to go to class". I said "Let's run to alya". Mari said we ran with alya and we sat in our seats but Ms. Bustier told me to introduce myself and I spoke with my Australian accent " hey guys u may know me I'm Kim Luna but u guys can call me Y/N I like Paris it's my home and my fav superhero if u want to ask is definitely Alpha but I like all the superheroes tbh and yes I like chat noir he's my hero he saved me once from a akuma and I want to say thx to him and I play the piano I come from a family of fencers everyday I do fencing just like Adrien here oh and to finish it off I known Adrien since childhood and marinette dupain Cheng is my twin sister and yea that's it". I said everyone was shocked "  Nino since Y/N is new can u sit with alya for now and Adrien catch her up?". Ms. Bustier said Adrien nods and I sit next to Adrien then Ms. Bustier starts the lesson when there's a akuma attack

Hey guys it's me I been busy with school sorry if u guys are waiting for a new chapter but I'll post more as fast I can)

In love with my best friend Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang