Unending Wrath

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Unending Wrath

A scribbled note lying next to a dead Dark Brotherhood assassin.

"Tenet five: Never kill a Dark Brother or Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis."

 I didn't expect it to be real! It wasn't my fault! It was self defense! Orbinor went crazy and attacked me! I had to defend myself. What was I supposed to do, let him kill me in his blind fury? How can Sithis not understand?

Every time I close my eyes I see the Wrath. The faces of every person I killed. Their faces in unending agony! And their screams! It's enough to drive a man mad! I hear voices in the wind calling my name. It's been going on for weeks! When I can silence my mind and sleep, wraiths donned in Shrouded Robes attack me! One almost gutted me!

I can sense the Wrath coming. I hear Sithis beckoning me. I fear tonight may be my last night. The wraiths have already come for me twice now. If they show again, I will not resist and I will lay down my blade. I hope I will be spared. By Sithis I hope I see morning.

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