'Yoorim, Yoorim, I didn't even know we had a Yoorim and I know anyone and everyone in and above our grade, dammit!' she thinks to herself frustrated.

Yiren stares unimpressed as she watches Yuqi try to discern her crush

"Ah!" Shuhua joins in, "She's the really tall one, right? Yeah, she looks really intimidating if you ask me-" she asks, pointing at her own eyes.

"SHE'S NOT!" Yiren growls her causing Shuhua's eyes to go wide in shock

Yiren sighs deeply and lowers her voice, "When I first met Yoorim I thought the same as you, she kinda scared me at first but she's just really shy when it comes to new people so she makes herself  cold unapproachable."

Yuqi looks down with a finger under her chin in thought, "I see, so she's socially awkward."

Yiren shrugs, "I-I guess?"

Shuhua rolls her eyes, "Everyone is socially awkward when it comes to their crush, especially with you and So- "

"HUSH MINION, I AM TRYING TO THINK." Yuqi interrupts the younger girl while tapping the side of her head as if forcing out a thought.

'Did she just call me a minion?!" Shuhua grit her teeth. She couldn't believe she would have to spend every other day with this clown instead of with her new girlfriend. Then again Yuqi was the one who set her up with Soojin in the first place after almost a year of secretly stalking the girl on her socials and during class where she sat a few seats beside her. And after class where she would peek at Soojin talking with her friends over lunch, and after class again where she would watch Soojin pull away from the driveway to go home.

Yeah, she was a bit of a creep and Yuqi may or may not have threatened to tell Soojin her stalker antics if she didn't agree to help her.

So, she's stuck with this doofus for a while.

"AHA!" Yuqi lifted a finger coming to a realization,

Yiren's eyes lit up in anticipation at Yuqi's idea.

Yuqi snaps a finger at her, "You have to be the aggressor!"

Yiren's brows furrowed in confusion,

"Say what now?"

Yuqi slams the table with her hands, her grin wide in excitement,

"The one in charge!" she clarifies, "Girls like Yoorim are totally crazy about a partner that takes charge of her, trust me."

She grabs Shuhua towards her who lets out an annoyed grunt

"This little runt right here got the Seo Soojin wrapped around her finger and she's all about it."

Shuhua rolls her eyes but couldn't help but smirk proudly. As cool and sexually appealing Soojin was at school, It filled her with satisfaction when she hears Soojin crumble like bricks when she makes a move.  Especially her moans just from her sticking her tongue down the older's throa-

Woah Shuhua, tone down the gay, and maybe wipe the drool

Yuqi snaps her fingers to reorient Shuhua back who blushes at her internal thoughts.

Yuqi continues, "You get my point Miss Wang, tomorrow you are going to woo your woman if it's the last thing you do!"

Yiren gulps and prays that Yoorim won't totally ignore her when this plan inevitably fails

The next day

"Y-Yuqi I'm not sure about this." Yiren stutters as she embarrassingly surveys her clothing and hairstyle

Over a plain white shirt, she sported a leather blazer reaching down to her hips with navy blue jeans to compliment her heels. Her hair was tied up in a pony tail and she added more a touch more makeup than she usually does, all with a black choker around her neck with a heart shaped medallion.

The girl in question eyes her briefly before nodding her head in satisfaction 

"What are you talking about, you're totally hot! In fact, if Yoorim doesn't work out maybe we can- "her grin widens with each word until she lets out surprised yelp falling to the ground while clutching her head.

Shuhua who just arrived whacked her on the head while Yuqi was being a total flirt that she knows she is.

"You're terrible you know," Shuhua whines, grinning at Yuqi still rubbing her head glaring at the younger friend.

She turns towards Yiren, "Just do your best, the worst she can do is say no." she says while giving an easy smile

Yiren sighs and returns her own small one, "Thanks, to both of you."

"But mostly Shuhua."

"HEY!" Yuqi whines, but already saw Yiren walking to her class with Yoorim beside

"Damn I should really start charging for my services." She suggests

Shuhua rolls her eyes, "She's your first client."


"Anyway, we observe them during class." Yuqi declares while getting up, "The flirter is just as important as the flirtee."

"Those aren't words, the fu-"

Yuqi grabs her best friends hands and drags her inside the classroom.

"I am a freaking saint." Yuqi smirks to herself


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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