this special is gonna be freaking long and if you read all this i love you

Start from the beginning

DID I WRITE- PFFT-c o l d n e s s p r e s s i n g m y c o o l n e s s-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- kill me now-

It seemed like forever. Qibli shifted his scales uncomfortably. "Um.....we have things to do, guys," he said. They broke apart, embarrassed. Qibli met her eyes curiously.

Qibli is the only sane one in this fanfic.

Great. Now he thinks I like Winter, not him. Well, I guess I do. It's just....confusing.

Moon stop acting like a damn Young Adult main character and get yor priorities straight-

Winter met her eyes, too. They weren't curious; they were startled and questioning. They locked eyes for a minute.

Stop locking eyes AND GET TO WORK.

Qibli cleared his throat loudly. They looked at him.
"So, Moon, where's Darkstalker?" Winter said, suddenly serious and cold.

Yeah because it totally makes sense. Hug‐locking eyes- Y E L L I N G. Sometimes I wonder what kind of person I imagined Winter to be, because dude...this isn't how you get a girlfriend.

Oh, no. Now he will yell at me.
"He's not a monster, as you think," she said quietly. "He' friend."
"He is! Aren't you a bit like him? You left us at Possibility b-but we gave you a second chance! Darkstalker needs a second chance too!"

Oh my God yes Moon let's just shut our eyes for a minute as Darkstalker makes his father cut his own tongue open.

"Moon," Winter said. "Listen. That's fine, as long as you're happy. I just want to keep you safe. He....made my tribe sick. They all have fever, and now everyone's dying, one by one. I....."
Moon looked at him. Darkstalker? Can it be true?

A very cringe line that comes after. It's a line that makes me want to dig a hole and die in it.

"......don't want to lose you too," he added quietly. Qibli fortunately hear.

"Qibli fortunately hear"- This sentence did not grammatically make any sense but who cares it's a wattpad fanfic.

Moon stared at him, shocked. Every doubts about Darkstalker vanished; instead, she was filled with hopefulness.

GOD. NO. *sprays water* SHUT UP.

Can he possibly like me back? Is that....possible?


Winter stared back. Moon filled with confusion. She felt her heart beating faster than ever. Her breath caught in her throat. She slowly blinked. Winter looked away.

Oop girly does all this describing and he l o o k s a w a y- somebody take Winter into Getting the Main Character #101 Class because my boi needs it-

"You can come with me to convince him to stop, or at least talk to him," Moon offered.
Qibli's head jerked up. "Which one of us? If we all go together, it might looks suspicious."

L o o k s s u s p i c i o u s- (Canon Qibli is smart. 2017 me, however, is not. Well, I'm just not smart in general oop—)

This is a test. Choose between Enter and Qibli.

The new main character: Enter. This is now an Enterwatcher fanfic.

"Of course she means you, Qibli," Winter muttered, his wings sagging.

It's kind of amusing to imagine Winter with his wings sagging. That's just weirdly funny. Maybe it's the word "sagging". S a g g i n g.

"Winter, can you come with me? Qibli, can you stay here just in case Anemone and Kinkajou comes back?"

Translation: you stay here because you'll just GET IN THE WAY OF WINTER AND ME

Qibli avoided her eyes. "Yes," he said quietly.

If I was Qibli I would be like, NO BITCH I'LL MAKE YOU MINE

I'm sorry, Qibli. I truly am. But please understand that I love Winter. I don't want to choose. I don't want anyone to be disappointed or heartbroken. But I know who I want to be with.

And it's Winter.

Yeah nobody cares now shut up.


Now erase that from your head and let's get to questions right away because I don't want to read that ever again. (If you guys want it, I guess I can try the second chapter someday)

I wrote this when I just got a thousand followers, a couple months ago probably, and I was looking through my drafts and thought this was funny—

Maybe we can have a Q&A session in the comments..? About me/my books/whatever! I'll try to answer whenever I have a chance! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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